Endless Spells Strategies

Spell Trap (budget version)

The basic idea is that you cast Spell Trap and let your clones recharge your spells by casting Power Words at you. Since one clone can cast a lot of free spells, you can fully recharge your spellbook.

This cheap version uses a bare minimum of spells and is effective outside combat only.

Minimum requirements:

How it works:

  1. Memorize the spells and place the scrolls in the quickslots.
  2. Cast Spell Trap.
  3. Cast Project Image.
  4. Command the Image to cast both Power Words at you. This recharges your spells. The cycle is complete. Now reap the rewards.

You now have a free Image. Have fun.

Tips and tricks:

Spell Trap (power version)

As with the cheap version, the idea is that you cast Spell Trap and let your clones recharge your spells by casting spells at you. This version employs a Chain Contingency and Time Stops and requires no preparation right before combat. This one is a little more complicated.

The Auto-Pause: Spell Cast game option is important to avoid wasting time. The instructions below assume you cast from memory and use the Auto-Pause. The Auto-Pause does not trigger if you use scrolls, so if you do you'll need to pause the game yourself (spacebar is easiest).

Minimum requirements:

How it works:

  1. Memorize the spells, place the scrolls in the quickslots and set the game to Auto-Pause at Spell Cast.
  2. Get into a fight!
  3. Cast Spell Trap. The game pauses.
  4. Cast Chain Contingency (while the game is still paused). Load it with two Project Images (leave the third slot empty). Set the Condition to See Enemy and the Target to Self.
  5. Unpause and wait for your Images to appear, then immediately pause the game again.
  6. Select one Image and command it to cast Time Stop, then hit the spacebar twice to quickly unpause and pause again.
  7. Select the other image and command it to cast Time Stop as well. Thanks to the quick unpause and pause, the two Images will cast slightly out of sync.
  8. Unpause and wait for the first Time Stop. The game pauses.
  9. Command the first Image to cast its first Power Word at you (doesn't matter which one).
  10. Unpause and wait for the Power Word. The game pauses.
  11. Command the first Image to cast its other Power Word at you.
  12. Unpause and wait for the other Power Word. The game pauses.
  13. Command the first Image to cast its next Time Stop.
  14. Unpause and wait. The first Image's Time Stop will expire a fraction before the second Image finishes casting its Time Stop. Time will briefly resume, then stop again. When it does, immediately pause the game.
  15. Command the second Image to cast its first Power Word at you (doesn't matter which one).
  16. Unpause and wait for the Power Word. The game pauses.
  17. Command the second Image to cast its other Power Word at you.
  18. Unpause and wait for the other Power Word. The game pauses. You have now recharged all the spells you just cast. The cycle is completed, but you have yet to reap the rewards.
  19. Command the second Image to cast its next Time Stop.
  20. Unpause and wait. The second Image's Time Stop will expire a fraction before the first Image finishes casting its second Time Stop. Time will briefly resume, then stop again. When it does, immediately pause the game.
  21. Go nuts. You have three rounds to let the first Image do whatever you like. Then, when its Time Stop runs out, the second Image will take over almost immediately, giving you another three rounds.

You basically get the chance to unload your spellbook for free, twice, in only two rounds!

Tips and tricks:


Not much of a strategy... just a few tips to increase your chances of getting the Wish option that "makes it as if the entire party has just rested a full night and re-memorized all their spells". The advantage to this strategy is that it refreshes the whole party, not just the caster. The disadvantage is that it's a gamble and your luck will run out sooner or later. Try to make that "later" rather than "sooner". Wisdom 18 gives you about 20% chance of getting this desired option.

Minimum requirements:

How it works:

  1. Use up some of your party's spells and abilities.
  2. Cast Wish, talk to the Dao and hope it gives you the option to rest. This rememorizes the Wish itself, thus completing the cycle.

Pretty simple so far. The difficulty is in getting the right option.

Tips and tricks:

Nahal's Reckless Dweomer

A variant on the Wish strategy above. In this case, use Nahal's Reckless Dweomer to cast Limited Wish and "wish that spells you have cast would be restored, that you might cast them again!". The advantage over using Wish is that Limited Wish always gives you the same options. The drawbacks are that Wild Surges may mess things up and it only recharges level 1-4 spells (but a Wild Mage can always cast his high level spells through his Dweomers).

Minimum requirements:

How it works:

  1. Use up some of your party's level 1-4 spells. Conserve your own spells as much as possible to make sure the Limited Wish will restore at least one Dweomer.
  2. Cast Nahal's Reckless Dweomer, choose Limited Wish, talk to the Dao and let it restore your spells. This will rememorize the Dweomer, thus completing the cycle.

Pretty simple so far. The difficulty is in not getting a bad Wild Surge.

Tips and tricks: