Baldur's Gate II Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

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Spell Listing

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Getting Here:  Arrive from Brynnlaw.

     Welcome, wench, to your personal prison. You will learn to call this home in due time even if you're here to save someone from the hells that will be found within. Your visit will be welcomed but it is your stay that will linger in our hearts for all of eternity. Enjoy Spellhold and may you find yourself within like the rest of the residents have.

Spellhold  |  Map | All Quests | All Items | All Monsters
The Front Door
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
The People

Spellhold  -  Outside  -  The Front Door

Outside Spellhold
Outside Spellhold

     There is only one entrance to Spellhold, and that is to make your way along the stairs and climb your way to the front door. There will be two battles that you will encounter on your way there and depending on the time of day, you will come face to face with different creatures.

     The first platform you climb up to will have a group of Lizardmen that will greet you with snarls and jabs from their weapons. If you're arriving at night, you will have to battle your way through some Poison Mists, Vampiric Mists and Wandering Horrors.

     The last stage of your climb will take you to the door of Spellhold and once again, the beasts you will face will depend entirely on the time of day. At night you will have to battle Shadows and Wraiths while during the day you will only have to deal with an Air Elemental.

     Obviously coming here during the day will be easier on the party but you will gain more experience if you battle your way through the night. Once you're ready, open the door and let us begin your journey into Spellhold.

Spellhold   -  Outside  |  Area Statistics...

  • Lizard Men [270xp/each (Day)]
  • Air Elemental [7,000xp (Day)]
  • Poison Mist [3,500xp/each (Night)]
  • Vampiric Mist [1,000xp/each (Night)]
  • Wandering Horror [5,000xp/each (Night)]
  • Shadows [420xp/each (Night)]
  • Wraith [2,000xp/each (Night)]
  • No Notable Information Learned

Spellhold  |  Map | All Quests | All Items | All Monsters
Level 1
Welcoming Hall  Crazy Chambers  Dradeel's Room  Waiting Room
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
The People

Spellhold  -  Level 1  -  Welcoming Hall

Welcoming Hall
Welcoming Hall

     A familiar voice will greet you as you are met by the Coordinator of Spellhold and if you still have yet to realize who this is, just sit back and allow to be taken on a guided tour of Spellhold. Eventually, it will come to you and if it hasn't by the end, the source will be revealed.

     This grand entrance chamber with its rich arches and design certainly seems out of place when one first gazes upon Spellhold from the outside. The rotting wood and growing weeds from the cracked stones give the impression that whatever lies within is just as bad. The sound of your boots will echo as you walk through here so worry not if you think someone is behind you. It's just your echo catching up.

Spellhold - Level 1  -  Welcoming Hall  |  Room Statistics...

  • Coordinator
  • 3 exits

Spellhold  -  Level 1  -  Crazy Chambers

Crazy Chambers
Crazy Chambers

     Your tour will continue along this hallway where you will come face to face with the other occupants of Spellhold. Introductions will take place as you are filled in on the serious problems some of these residents seem to have.

     Dili is an interesting sort, being able to change form as she wishes and even had the chance to form into Irenicus but he didn't seem to like that very much. Wanen, Naljier Skal, Aphril and Tiax are just as interesting and you should talk to each and every one of them before you continue on your way.

     It is also these very residents of Spellhold that will help you later on in your journey.

Spellhold - Level 1  -  Crazy Chambers  |  Room Statistics...

  • Dili
  • Wanev
  • Naljier Skal
  • Aphril
  • Tiax

Spellhold  -  Level 1  -  Dradeel's Room

Dradeel's Room
Dradeel's Room

     Before your reach your final destination in this little tour you will pass by the room where Dradeel resides, a crazy old man who doesn't seem to know what's going on anymore. Speak with him and learn what you can through his mumblings and laughs and move on to the last room in your tour where you will find who you've come looking for.

Spellhold - Level 1  -  Crazy Chambers  |  Room Statistics...

  • Dradeel

Spellhold  -  Level 1  -  Waiting Room

Waiting Room
Waiting Room

     'tis here you shall end your tour and also come face to face with Imoen who can be found here in the Waiting Room. A series of events will unfold as you speak with her and it is very important that you watch, listen and learn what is to become of you as well as Imoen.

     A cloud of gas shall suddenly explode around the party as each and every one of you are put to sleep, as well as Imoen leaving your very fate to Irenicus himself. Upon your awakening, you will find yourself inside a tube, which is connected to a group of Shadow Thieves and it would seem, you are to be part of an experiment that Irenicus is interested in performing on you. One by one shall the Shadow Thieves become consumed until the last does fall, your turn arrives and you too shall slump to the ground as darkness comes over you. Before this, if you were listening well, you will learn that Imoen is also a Child of Bhaal and it is with the next dream more questions shall riddle your mind.

Dream Sequence
Dream Sequence

     You will awake in Candlekeep except it is not what you remember it to be, dotted in the middle of nowhere, bland and empty, lost in the very void it rests in. While here, you will want to make sure you find Bhaal himself who can be found to the north west end of Candlekeep and who will follow you no matter where you are. Attempting to destroy his form will do you no good as it will take both you and Imoen to get yourself out of this hellish nightmare and back into your body which is lying in the very tube within Spellhold.

     Lead Bhaal into Candlekeep, answering the Demon's question which he will ask of you and make your sacrifice,

     "This path is to the core... the depths of your soul. Only through sacrifice can you achieve such insight!"

     You will have to make a choice on which attribute you wish to drop by 1 and this is permanent. Once you've selected, move through the door so you can search and find Imoen.

Inside Candlekeep
Inside Candlekeep

     Once inside, you'll want to lead Bhaal around the building until you meet face to face with Imoen so both of you can do what you can to defeat Bhaal. Doing this will get you out of your dream sequence and also show Irenicus you are much more powerful than he originally thought and will trigger a series of events that will eventually get you out of your cage and into the Asylum.

     You will also end up losing all your Bhaal powers that you have received during the course of your adventure through Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate 2 and will be introduced to the Slayer form which will start to weave its way through your very blood.

Spellhold - Level 1  -  Waiting Room  |  Room Statistics...

  • NPC Imoen who will join your party

Spellhold  |  Map | All Quests | All Items | All Monsters
Level 1
Level 2
Holding Cages  Storage Rooms
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
The People

Spellhold  -  Level 2  -  Holding Cages

Holding Cages
Holding Cages

     It is in this very room that you will learn about yourself, Imoen, Irenicus as well as Bodhi for you will be placed here before you are set free into the Asylum below Spellhold. It is also here that you will have your dream sequence, which follows the events that will happen when you first meet Imoen in the Waiting Room.

     If it's your first visit here, you will go through the dream sequence and then be placed into the Asylum below, left to fend for yourself by Bodhi as you work to explore and battle your way out to freedom. Don't worry though, for you will return here once you find your way out.

     The second time, as mentioned above, once you've made your way out of the Asylum will introduce you to the power of Irenicus as you will face him in battle for the very first time. You will not be able to do so with just the party you have and you will have to return to the Waiting Room where you found Imoen and it is here you will come across those you met during your tour of Spellhold when you have Lonk the Sane free them.

     The battle you may very well find tough if you've come to Spellhold at a low level because Irenicus really enjoys using Abi Dalzim's Horrid Wilting which can do some serious damage to the entire party as well as those who will be joining you for the battle.

Battle with Irenicus
Battle with Irenicus

     Concentrating the majority of your attacks on Irenicus is very wise for the more damage you begin to give him, the quicker he will leave the battle but don't think it will be that easy. Irenicus will do everything in his power to drop you and as many others who dare to stand in his way. Be ready for duplicated members of your party as well as those who have come to join the battle with you against Irenicus to come forth and cause even more havoc for you. A summoned creature or more will be very helpful in distracting Irenicus and it would also be wise to spread out your entire party so not everyone is hit by Irenicus and his radius spells.

Spellhold - Level 2  -  Holding Cages  |  Room Statistics...

  • Irenicus [68,500xp for the battle]
  • Clones [650xp each]
  • Murderer [1,400xp]
  • Dili
  • Wanev
  • Naljier Skal
  • Aphril
  • Tiax
  • Dradeel

Spellhold  -  Level 2  -  Storage Rooms

Storage Rooms
Storage Rooms

     Storage Rooms litter this level and exploring them would best suit the party for there are some helpful items that the party could very well use in the future.

Spellhold - Level 2  -  Storage Rooms  |  Room Statistics...

  • 40 Arrows +1
  • 40 Bolts +1
  • 5 Acid Arrows
  • 60 Darts of Wounding

Spellhold  |  Map | All Quests | All Items | All Monsters
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Room of Riddles  Goblin Storage Room  Portal Room
Storage Room  Faces of Riddles Room  The Face of Dace Room
Level 4
Level 5
The People

Spellhold  -  Level 3  -  Room of Riddles

Room of Riddles
Room of Riddles

      Long shadows will greet you as you enter this square and small room which is littered with 11 stone statues and a strange wooden box in the very centre of the room. It is a silent and strange sight to behold and at first, you may very well be on the defensive wondering what will come forth from the hands, eyes or mouths of the statues. You can relax though as this is no trap to worry yourself over but in fact is a very good challenge to anyone who enjoys a good riddle or two.

      Each statue will give you a riddle and you are to use the items found in the wooden box to figure out what item goes with the particular statue. Doing so and doing this 11 times will give you some very nice items that will appear in the box once everything is completed.

      Standing at the entrance to the room and starting on the left side, from the first statue to the last in counter clockwise fashion are each statue's riddle and item that represents it.

Statue One

At night I come without being fetched
At day I am gone without being stolen

Item: Star Medallion

Statue Two

No beginning. No end. I am a symbol of the world's cycles

Item: Golden Circlet

Statue Three

Two brothers we are, great burdens we bear, all day we are bitterly pressed;
Yet this I will say - We are full all the day, and empty when we go to rest.

Item: Worn out Boots

Statue Four

Here, in this place, you swallow me
Yet, were I more, I could swallow you.

Item: Jar of Water

Statue Five

I have seen the mountains rise. I have seen the fall of Netheril
You shall die but still shall I march on.

Item: Sundial

Statue Six

To those within the dungeon I am joy.
To those fully beneath my gaze, I can be hell.

Item: Sun Medallion

Statue Seven

I will save your life yet you can die by me.
I will settle disputes yet not with words.

Item: Sword Medallion

Statue Eight

Name me and so shall you break me.

Item: The Gagged Man

Statue Nine

Always do I tell the truth, yet cannot speak.
Look to me and see what really is.

Item: Mirror

Statue Ten

I have two heads but one body.
The more I stand still the faster I run.

Item: Hourglass

Statue Eleven

Try to defeat me but try in vain.
When I win I end your pain.

Item: Grinning Skull

     If you have done everything and gotten each riddle correct by placing the right item to each statue, you will find some very nice items inside the wooden chest in the middle of the room as well as a very nice experience reward for solving the puzzle.

     One of the items is the SAPPHIRE STONE which you will need to get for the Portal Room.

Spellhold - Level 3  -  Room of Riddles  |  Room Statistics...

  • Dusty Rose Ioun Stone

Spellhold  -  Level 3  -  Goblin Storage Room

Goblin Storage Room
Goblin Storage Room

      Worry not as you come forth to this room for there is nothing to fear here. In fact, it might even lower your guard when you spot the charging Goblin coming your way and laugh at such a little threat to you and the party. For such a place, you'd think it would be stocked with stronger and more foul beasts.

      Now this room is important to explore because it holds the RUBY STONE that you will need to use in the Portal Room so do make sure you pick it up. Without it you will not be able to activate the first sequence of the portal.

      As well, there are some items that may prove helpful to members of the party so search the room well and be on your way. There are more interesting things found within that you'll want to get to.

Spellhold - Level 3  -  Goblin Storage Rooms  |  Room Statistics...

  • 40 Arrows +2
  • 40 Bullets +1
  • 40 Bullets +2
  • Spear +3
  • Protection from Normal Missiles Wizard Spell

Spellhold  -  Level 3  -  Portal Room

Portal Room
Portal Room

      Prepare yourself for a battle as you come towards this room because in here you will come face to face with Ruhk, an Air Mephit, Ice Mephit and a Smoke Mephit who will do their best to keep you from gaining entrance. Battle well and battle hard to bring them down.

      Now the portal here in this room can only be activated if you have found any of the three stones required. Those stones are the following:

Ruby Stone Level 3 - Goblin Storage Room
Opal Stone Level 3 - Storage Room
Sapphire Stone Level 3 - Room of Riddles

      Using the stones in order on the Portal will have the following effects:

The RUBY STONE will call forth a Pit Fiend which you will have to battle to be able to use the portal again.

The OPAL STONE will bring out a Greater Werewolf so battle hard so you can use the last stone on the portal once the battle is over.

Finally, the SAPPHIRE STONE will bring a puff of smoke and a Djinn along with it to face you and the party.

      By killing all three foul beasts, you will be rewarded with a nice suit of Plate Mail Armor.

Spellhold - Level 3  -  Portal Rooms  |  Room Statistics...

  • Pit Fiend [9,000xp]
  • Greater Werewolf [15,000xp]
  • Djinn [3,000xp]
  • Plate Mail "Doom Plate" +3

Spellhold  -  Level 3  -  Storage Room

Storage Room
Storage Room

      A Clay Golem makes this room his home and you will have to show him that you mean business when you enter the Storage Room and bring him to the cobbled floor. The storage room is littered with items that will help you and the party as well as the OPAL STONE needed for the Portal Room to activate the second sequence to the portal found there.

      Search the room for the items listed below and be on your way.

Spellhold - Level 3  -  Storage Rooms  |  Room Statistics...

  • Clay Golem [8,000xp]
  • Bag of Holding
  • 40 Darts of Wounding
  • 40 Darts of Stunning
  • 40 Arrows of Piercing
  • 40 Arrows +2
  • 40 Bolts of Biting
  • 40 Bolts +2
  • Prismatic Spray Wizard Spell

Spellhold  -  Level 3  -  Faces of Riddles Room

Faces of Riddles Room
Faces of Riddles Room

      A strange place is this, with faces situated all around on the walls inside and out and it is with each face that you will be teleported and asked a riddle which you will have to answer or suffer the consequences.

      As for each riddle asked, I do not think it matters which face you move before, just as long as you answer the 12 riddles asked of you. These are the riddles along with the answers needed to get you back outside so you can be asked another:

Face One

"I can have no color, though there may be darkness within. I have no weight and hold nothing, and if placed in a container it becomes lighter."

Answer: Hole

Face Two

"Of all your possessions, I am the hardest to guard. If you have me, you will want to share me. If you share me, you no longer have me."

Answer: Secret

Face Three

"Alive as you but without breath, as cold in my life as in my death; never a thirst though. I always drink dressed in a mail but never a cling."

Answer: Fish

Face Four

"I am free for the taking through all of your life, though given but once at birth. I am less than nothing in weight, but will fell the strongest of you if held."

Answer: Breath

Face Five

"I have holes throughout, from back to front and top to bottom to core. More nothing than something within, and yet I still hold water."

Answer: A Sponge

Face Six

"They flow and leap, but only as you pass. Dress yourself in darkest black, and they are darker still. Always they flee in the light, though without the sun there would be none."

Answer: Shadows

Face Seven

"They come to witness the night without being called, a sailor's guide and a poet's tears. They are lost to sight each day without the hand of a thief."

Answer: Stars

Face Eight

"The more that there is, the less that you see. Squint all you wish when surrounded by me."

Answer: Darkness

Face Nine

"The life I lead is mere hours or less, I serve all my time by being consumed. I am quickest when thin, slowest when fat, and wind is the bane of the gift that I bring."

Answer: A Candle

Face Ten

"The man who invented it, doesn't want it for himself. The man who bought it, doesn't need it for himself. The man who needs it, doesn't know when he needs it."

Answer: A Coffin

Face Eleven

"A spirited jig it dances bright, banishing all but darkest night. Give it food and it will live, give it water and it will die."

Answer: Fire

Face Twelve

"Lighter than what I am made of, more of me is hidden than is seen, I am the bane of the mariner, a tooth within the sea. Speak my name."

Answer: Ice

     Completion of all 12 riddles will reward you with a nice Ring of Regeneration as well as some experience points.

Spellhold - Level 3  -  Faces of Riddles Room  |  Room Statistics...

  • Ring of Regeneration

Spellhold  -  Level 3  -  The Face of Dace Room

The Face of Dace Room
The Face of Dace Room

      One will have to battle hard to gain entry into this room for it is littered with a pile of Umber Hulks and Minotaurs who will cause any prepared party lots of troubles. The gaze of the Umber Hulks will hit one after the other while they rust forward with the Minotaurs close behind, ready to rip the entire party from head to toe.

      Battle hard and well for you will need to clear this area out eventually so best you do it now. The large face is that of Dace who has trapped himself and your party because he has hid the hand needed to open the face to the stairs located behind it.

      Finding Dace will be your main objective if you wish to get past the face and use the stairs to slowly get yourself out of Spellhold.

      Once you find the HAND OF DACE return to this room and use it on the face which will reveal the secret passage beyond.

      Search the area for the scrolls hidden here.

Spellhold - Level 3  -  The Face of Dace Room  |  Room Statistics...

  • Umber Hulks [4,000xp/each]
  • Minotaurs [2,000xp/each]
  • Delayed Blast Fireball Wizard Spell
  • Project Image Wizard Spell

Spellhold  |  Map | All Quests | All Items | All Monsters
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Tomb of Summons Room  Wandering Horror Room  Tomb
The Library  Dace Sontan's Chamber  Caged Room
Kobold Chamber
Level 5
The People

Spellhold  -  Level 4  -  Tomb of Summons Room

Tomb of Summons Room
Tomb of Summons Room

      As you make your way into this room you will notice that a tomb is resting on top of a pedestal which if you decide to flip through will notice that it summons a creature every time. Now the creatures will raise in difficulty as you flip through the tomb until there are no more creatures left for you to battle.

      The order of the foul beasts that will come forth to do battle with the party will be the following:

Kobold Captain
Sword Spider
Umber Hulk
Mind Flayer

      Once you have taken down the Beholder then and only then shall you be rewarded.

Spellhold - Level 4  -  Tomb of Summons Room  |  Room Statistics...

  • Kobold Captain [14xp]
  • Sword Spider [2,000xp]
  • Umber Hulk [4,000xp]
  • Mind Flayer [9,000xp]
  • Beholder [14,000xp]
  • Ring of Free Action

Spellhold  -  Level 4  -  Wandering Horror Room

Wandering Horror Room
Wandering Horror Room

      A typical room is this area, stocked with boxes, barrels and a few wooden tables but also a good number of Wandering Horrors which you will have to put up with to get past this area. Battle well and battle hard to bring these foul beasts down to the dirt and search the area. There are plenty of items that will help the party as well as two very good wizard spells.

Spellhold - Level 4  -  Wandering Horror Room  |  Room Statistics...

  • Wandering Horror [5,000xp]
  • 40 Bullets +1
  • 80 Bullets +2
  • 40 Bolts of Lightning
  • 40 Darts of Wounding
  • Spirit Armor
  • Simulacrum Wizard Spell
  • Monster Summoning III Wizard Spell

Spellhold  -  Level 4  -  Tomb


      The very stench of undead will waft towards your nostrils as you slowly make your way down the hallway to this small location that is littered with foul and very deadly undead. When you're faced with a Greater Mummy, a few Bone Golems and Skeleton Warriors do not think that things are going to quickly go your way.

      A prepared party should be on their toes when this large force comes lingering your way so do be on call for when they start to animate and move towards you! The items they guard are important to any party who wishes to expand their power and strength while in these shadowed halls.

Spellhold - Level 4  -  Tomb  |  Room Statistics...

  • Greater Mummy [8,000xp]
  • Bone Golems [18,000xp/each]
  • Skeleton Warrior [4,000xp/each]
  • 40 Darts of Wounding
  • 40 Arrows of Biting
  • 30 Bolts of Biting
  • Cleric's Staff +3
  • Protection from Cold Scroll
  • Identify Wizard Scroll
  • Resist Fear Wizard Scroll

Spellhold  -  Level 4  -  The Library

The Library
The Library

      Situated across from the Tomb is The Library which houses many dusty books and forgotten tales of old that one could sit down and read for many, many years. It is also the same place where you will encounter the apparition of Dace Sontan so don't be frightened when you first view him.

      You will want to find Dace Sontan, who is just down the hall in his chamber and kill him so you can get THE HAND OF DACE which you will need to use in The Face of Dace Room so you can gain access to the other levels of Spellhold.

      Search the room as there are some powerful scrolls hidden between the pages of the books found here as well as some magical items that may help you in your cause.

Spellhold - Level 4  -  The Library  |  Room Statistics...

  • 40 Arrows +2
  • 40 Arrows of Piercing
  • 40 Arrows +1
  • 40 Darts of Stunning
  • Finger of Death Spell
  • Power Word: Stun
  • Ray of Enfeeblement

Spellhold  -  Level 4  -  Dace Sontan's Chamber

Dace Sontan's Chamber
Dace Sontan's Chamber

      It is in this room that you will come face to face with Dace Sontan, the very being that you need to kill if you wish to get THE HAND OF DACE so you can access the other levels found in Spellhold.

      The chamber itself is spectacular, the pillars reaching skyward to a very well made and hand crafted ceiling which causes your very footsteps to echo all around you. Now to finally kill Dace Sontan you will need a stake to run through his heart and at first, you may realize that you don't have any. Don't worry too much for you can find one on this very level, situated in the Kobold Chamber. If you have to go here to get your stake, I suggest you do so before you begin your battle with Dace Sontan and if you're already holding one, battle away and finish him off.

      Once you have finally finished off Dace Sontan, do remember to grab THE HAND OF DACE for you will need it later in your exploration of Spellhold.

Spellhold - Level 4  -  Dace Sontan's Chamber  |  Room Statistics...

  • Dace Sontan [8,500xp]
  • Dace Sontan Staked [9,000xp]

Spellhold  -  Level 4  -  Caged Room

Caged Room
Caged Room

      This is a deadly trap just waiting for you to walk into and lock your party or one member with a slew of Umber Hulks who are really itching for a fight and some food. You should be very careful if you plan on removing the Umber Hulks when they appear, especially if any of your weaker characters are the ones to get trapped in the room.

      Cages will block the exits to the room, trapping any inside and leaving them to deal with all the Umber Hulks who will rush forward and once the Umber Hulks have been removed will the cages vanish.

      There is nothing of interest in this room, except for the stairs that lead up to Level 3.

Spellhold - Level 4  -  Caged Room  |  Room Statistics...

  • Umber Hulks [4,000xp]

Spellhold  -  Level 4  -  Kobold Chamber

Kobold Chamber
Kobold Chamber

      Hidden in the very earth and found by searching the walls of the Tomb of Summons Room you will come across this place where Kobolds make their home around a giant Kurtulmak Crystal Shard. It hums and glows with great power and it is this that the Kobolds are so attracted to and will defend it with everything they've got so be ready for a battle!

      Quasits, Kobold Guardians, Imps, Kobold Commandos and a Kobold Witch Doctor will be scattered through the ranks of Kobolds shooting fire arrows at every member of the party they spot. After the battle, search the area and make sure you grab a piece of the KURTULMAK'S CRYSTAL SHARD for you will need this later on in your adventure. Also found here is a wooden stake which you may very well need to put Dace Sontan to rest once and for all.

Spellhold - Level 4  -  Kobold Chamber  |  Room Statistics...

  • Kobolds [6xp/each]
  • Kobold Witch Doctor [64xp]
  • Kobold Commando [14xp/each]
  • Kobold Guardians [400xp/each]
  • Quasit [2,000xp/each]
  • Imp [1,400xp/each]
  • Wooden Stakes
  • Fire Arrows
  • Short Sword +1

Spellhold  |  Map | All Quests | All Items | All Monsters
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Yuan-Ti Room  Minotaur Massacre  Golem Goodies Room
Bodhi's Encounter  The Cubby Room  The Four Statues
Secret Chamber  The Trapped Chest
Tests of Madness, of Sanity and Clarity
The People

Spellhold  -  Level 5  -  Yuan-Ti Room

Yuan-Ti Room
Yuan-Ti Room

      You will quickly be greeted by an angry mob of Yuan-Ti along with a Yuan-Ti Mage as you make your way into this room which as four doors against the far wall that you will need to pay attention to in the near future. Weave your magic and swing your weapons at the foul beasts as they linger towards you and put them to the dirt!

      Now each door has a picture on it, that being a Djinni, a Troll, an Umber Hulk and a Mind Flayer but you will not be able to open these passages until you find the picture that goes along with those found on the walls.

      The locations of these pictures are at the following places:

Djinni Painting Level 5 - Minotaur Massacre Room
Troll Painting Level 5 - Minotaur Massacre Room
Umber Hulk Painting Level 5 - Minotaur Massacre Room
Mind Flayer Painting Level 5 - Minotaur Massacre Room

      Behind each picture is the creature that represents it and you will have to battle each one if you use any of the paintings to open the doors. The trouble is worth your while for there are two very nice swords one can acquire here.

      Be wary if you make your way up the corridor from this room for it is littered with Werewolves who will rush to attack any who make their way into the passage.

Spellhold - Level 5  -  Yuan-Ti Room  |  Room Statistics...

  • Yuan-Ti [1,500xp/each]
  • Yuan-Ti Mage [7,000xp]
  • Djinni [10,000xp]
  • Spirit Troll [8,000xp]
  • Umber Hulk [10,000xp]
  • Mind Flayer [11,000xp]
  • Katana "Malakar" +2
  • Two-Handed Sword "Flame of the North"

Spellhold  -  Level 5  -  Minotaur Massacre

Minotaur Massacre
Minotaur Massacre

      The sound of beasts drinking from the pool of water here will be broken as you step forth into the room and the Minotaurs will turn to face you with their horns turned towards you. Their snarls will be enough to tell you that you're in for a battle so do your best in bringing these foul beasts down for a final rest!

      The pool is of interest if you take your time exploring the bottom of it with your hands for there are some items hidden at the bottom that will help you while you're in Spellhold. Take special interest in the 2 MITHRIL TOKENS as these can later be used in the Golem Goodies Room. Also found here is the MIND FLAYER PAINTING which is needed to open the pictured door back in the Yuan-Ti Room and a very important item, the MINOTAUR HORN which is used to place on the minotaur statue found at Bodhi's Encounter to gain access to the stairs leaving Spellhold.

      Do make sure you take the time to also search the statues in this room for they also hold items that are important to you for this level. Those items would be the remaining paintings needed for the Yuan-Ti Room and another 2 MITHRIL TOKENS as well as some items that the party can make use of.

Spellhold - Level 5  -  Minotaur Massacre  |  Room Statistics...

  • Minotaur [3,000xp/each]
  • 40 Bolts of Lightning
  • 40 Bolts +1
  • 40 Bolts +2
  • Sunfire Wizard Spell

Spellhold  -  Level 5  -  Golem Goodies Room

Golem Goodies Room
Golem Goodies Room

      Stone Golems will quickly rush towards your front lines as you lumber forward into this room as they prepare to defend against intruders from gaining access into the room beyond. Battle well and take them down, which you shouldn't have any trouble with after exploring Athkatla and its surrounding areas.

      It is the circular room beyond that one should take a large interest in and also one that I missed the first time I came through here. It was only by doing a final check that I realized, in all the dark shadows in the room, that there was a passage leading to the circular room. So don't miss it like I did for if you do and you leave Spellhold you'll never get to use all those tokens you've been finding all over the place!

Golem Goodies Room
Golem Goodies Room

      Finally, it is this circular room that you will find a use for those tokens I spoke of. Now the more tokens you have may be considered a good thing, the less the bad but really, it is the middle ground that interests most people when they come into this room. Here is a list of items you will receive by using the tokens on the machine:

5 Tokens Boots of Grounding
10 Tokens Boots of the North
15 Tokens Boots of Speed
20 Tokens Jester's Chain +4

     In most cases, 15 Tokens will do the trick as the Boots of Speed are an excellent addition to any front line fighter's attacks and defenses.

Spellhold - Level 5  -  Golem Goodies Room  |  Room Statistics...

  • Stone Golem [8,000xp/each]
  • 40 Darts of Wounding
  • Maze Wizard Spell

Spellhold  -  Level 5  -  Bodhi's Encounter

Bodhi's Encounter
Bodhi's Encounter

      Prepare yourself for this battle because it is here you will meet up with Bodhi and she isn't going to be very pleased to see you running around, especially near the exit to this foul place. The Gauths and Minotaurs will add another level of strategy that you will have to deal with during this battle as they come down the hallway and if you do things right, you should be on your way out of this hellish place once and for all!

      Now the Minotaur Statue needs two MINOTAUR HORNS to open the doors that will be your exit and finding them will be your job. The first horn can be found in the Minotaur Room while the second can be found in The Cubby Room. Using these two horns on the Minotaur Statue will open the doors.

      Search the area, including the hallway to the left of the room for some items of interest.

Spellhold - Level 5  -  Bodhi's Encounter  |  Room Statistics...

  • Minotaur [3,000xp/each]
  • Gauth [9,000xp/each]
  • 40 Bullets +2
  • 40 Bullets +1
  • Chain Lightning Wizard Spell

Spellhold  -  Level 5  -  The Cubby Room

The Cubby Room
The Cubby Room

      Another group of Minotaurs make this room their home and they will not be very pleased at being disturbed by your party so be ready to weave your magic and swing your weapons. There are some very useful items in here, especially one for a promising mage and one can also find one of the MINOTAUR HORNS needed to open the door in the room where Bodhi's Encounter will take place. Also found in the mix are 2 MITHRIL TOKENS as well as other items of interest.

Spellhold - Level 5  -  The Cubby Room  |  Room Statistics...

  • Minotaur [3,000xp/each]
  • 40 Acid Arrows
  • 40 Arrows +1
  • Limited Wish Wizard Spell

Spellhold  -  Level 5  -  The Four Statues

The Four Statues
The Four Statues

      Four statues, two on left wall and two on the right make this room a very interesting place to explore due to the fact each statue offers something the other does not. Most importantly are the Haste and Heal statues that can not only help a dying member, but also speed them up to attack and flee even quicker. The other two statues aren't as friendly, one will make your character slow while the last will shoot forth a lightning bolt that will cause them some severe damage.

      So remember this place if you need a helping hand because it can be a life saver for more than one member of the party as well as keep those who would normally cast healing spells full of memorized spells for when you'll need them the most!

Spellhold - Level 5  -  The Four Statues  |  Room Statistics...

  • No items found

Spellhold  -  Level 5  -  Secret Chamber

Secret Chamber
Secret Chamber

      To gain entrance to the Secret Chamber one will have to pull the lever from the room right across the hallway, which will slide open the wall and give you access to the foul beasts within as well as some very useful items for the party.

Secret Chamber
Secret Chamber

      Once the lever is pulled, be ready for battle because from the very room will come a few Trolls, Werewolves and even a Spirit Troll or two just to keep you at bay and your hands off the treasure they have been guarding. It's not a troublesome battle, but a battle nevertheless and you should always be ready for anything.

      Search the chamber and move on.

Spellhold - Level 5  -  Secret Chamber  |  Room Statistics...

  • Trolls [1,400xp/each]
  • Werewolves [1,500xp/each]
  • Spirit Trolls [12,000xp/each]
  • 40 Arrows +1
  • Breach Wizard Spell

Spellhold  -  Level 5  -  The Trapped Chest

The Trapped Chest
The Trapped Chest

      The Clay Golems standing in this room at first may cause you to be more on the defensive than usual but as you step onto the cobbled floor you'll realize they haven't been activated yet! The fine saying of "You can look, but don't touch" has a very strong meaning here when it comes to the locked chest in the middle of the room. Leave it alone and you can walk out untouched. Open it and you're in for a hair raising experience.

      The door you came through will be locked and shall remain so during the duration of this battle against the Clay Golems, who will come to life if you put your grubby hands on the chest. Until you remove the Clay Golem threat, the door will not swing open, by force, picking it or casting Knock so you'd best be ready for battle if you want what's inside.

Spellhold - Level 5  -  The Trapped Chest  |  Room Statistics...

  • Clay Golem [5,000xp/each]
  • 1 Arrow of Biting
  • 1 Bolt of Biting
  • 40 Bullets +1
  • 40 Darts +1
  • Blindness Wizard Spell
  • Phantom Blade Wizard Spell
  • Gesen Short Bow String

Spellhold  -  Level 5  -  The Tests

The Tests
The Tests

      Once you have placed both MINOTAUR HORNS on the Minotaur Statue to open the doors leading out of this hellish place, you will then walk through the Tests of Madness, of Sanity and Clarity.

      Your first arrival will place you in a battle with a Spore Colony or two and once you've removed this threat will your true tests begin. These tests will be a series of riddles which you will have to answer and below you will find the order in which you will receive them along with the answer to each one.


"'twas in the wood that I got it, so I sat down to seek it. I could not find it no matter how hard I looked, and so I took it home with me. What is it?"

The Tests
The Tests

Answer: A Splinter


      You will find yourself in a room which has 4 apparitions in it after you've answered the first question correctly. You will want to take note of the table in the middle of the room for searching it, you will find a Cloak of Reflection. Do this before you answer the next riddle.

"It is better than the best of things and worse than the worst of things. You love it more than life. You fear it more than death. The rich have need of it, the poor have it in endless supply."

Answer: Nothing or something


"It runs as it will but never does it walk. There is a mouth to see, but never does it talk. A bed it surely owns, but never does it sleep. Possesses it a head, but not a one that weeps."

Answer: A River

The Tests
The Tests


"I make you weak at the worst of all times, but in the end I keep you safe. You'll sweat in my presence even as you grow cold. I dwell the weak, rally the brave, but without me, who could tell the difference."

Answer: Fear


"It brings back the lost as though never gone, shines laughter or tears, with light long since shone. A moment to make, a lifetime to shed, valued when, but lost when you're dead."

Answer: Memory

     Finally, after answering the fifth and final riddle you will be at the last step of leaving the foul dungeons below Spellhold and be on your way to returning to its upper levels. First though, you will have to deal with a few Spectral Trolls and Trolls who are mulling around an altar praying to their beloved God.

The Altar
The Altar

     Clean the floor up with their blood is what I say! Bash their skulls in, rip out their teeth and hang their claws around your neck! While you're at it, do grab hold of the GIANT TROLL'S HEAD which you'll want to take to the altar and use. Place the GIANT TROLL'S HEAD into the altar which you will receive in return a nice magical club for bashing more Trolls and foul beasts who dare step in your way!

     This is it brave warrior. You have made your way out of the dungeons of Spellhold and can now resume your journey in hunting for Jon Irenicus!

Spellhold - Level 5  -  The Tests  |  Area Statistics...

  • Spore Colony [4,20xp/each]
  • Spectral Troll [3,500xp/each]
  • Trolls [1,400xp/each]
  • Cloak of Reflection
  • Shocking Grasp Wizard Spell
  • Club +2; +3 vs Undead

Spellhold  -  The People

     This is a full list of all People found within Spellhold.

  • Imoen
  • Coordinator
  • Dili
  • Wanev
  • Naljier Skal
  • Aphril
  • Tiax
  • Dradeel
  • Lonk the Sane

Spellhold  -  All Quests

     This is a full list of all Quests found within Spellhold.


This giant face on Level 3 sits waiting around for the item it needs to open its mouth and allow you passage to the stairs beyond. You will not be able to go through the face until you recover the HAND OF DACE which can be found on Dace himself in Dace Sontan's Chamber. Using the HAND OF DACE on the Face of Dace will open the mouth so you can continue forward.

Everyone in the entire party will also receive 29,500xp for opening up the passage when you use the HAND OF DACE.


One does not have to answer the 12 riddles that will be asked of you, but it is worth your while to do so to not only gain an item but also the experience one will be rewarded for doing so.

Each riddle and their respected answer can be found here.

You will receive a Ring of Regeneration as well as 5,000xp for solving all the riddles.


Another riddle and puzzle one does not have to complete to get out of the dungeons of Spellhold but well worth your while for the items, the experience and the SAPPHIRE STONE needed to activate the Portal in the Portal Room.

Each riddle and their respected item to place can be found here.

You will receive a Dusty Rose Ioun Stone, 20,000xp for solving the puzzle and the SAPPHIRE STONE needed for the Portal Room.


On Level 5 you will come across many MITHRIL TOKENS and these can be collected to use on the vending machine found on the same level in the Golem Goodies Room. Finding all the MITHRIL TOKENS can be troublesome, especially if you don't know how many there are. In total, 21 MITHRIL TOKENS exist on this level and their exact locations are noted below:

4 Level 5 - Minotaur Massacre Room
5 Level 5 - Golem Goodies Room
4 Level 5 - Bodhi's Encounter
2 Level 5 - The Cubby Room
2 Level 5 - The Secret Chamber
4 Level 5 - The Trapped Chest

Using a certain amount of tokens will give you a particular item. Those items are listed here.


Two of these exist on Level 5 and you will have to find them if you wish to activate the Minotaur Statue which will open the stairs so you can exit the dungeons and continue in your search for Jon Irenicus. The locations of each horn is noted below:

1st Level 5 - Minotaur Massacre Room
2nd Level 5 - The Cubby Room

Using both on the Minotaur Statue will also earn the party 29,500xp.


After you have placed the horns on the Minotaur Statue and go up the stairs, then shall the tests of Madness, Sanity and Clarity begin in which you will be asked a series of riddles which you must answer correctly in order to finally rid yourself of this foul place. You can find all the information you require for these tests here.

Passing all the tests will give the party 51,250xp for the escape and will return you to Level 2 of Spellhold.


You will have to do this if you plan on taking on Jon Irenicus for their numbers will raise your chances of success to a higher level than you'd have if you took him on yourself. Speaking with Lonk the Sane and giving him 2,000gp to set the prisoners free will do the job just nicely or you can also scare him into doing it for free.

Once they are set free, you will be off to battle Jon Irenicus and by doing so and taking him down far enough to the point he leaves, will earn you 68,500xp for your life and bravery during this battle.

Spellhold  -  All Items

     This is a full list of all Magical Items found within Spellhold. Their locations can be found by viewing the rooms separately through the solution as they are also covered in the Room Statistics.

  • Fire Arrows
  • 45 Acid Arrows
  • 220 Arrows +1
  • 80 Arrows +2
  • 80 Arrows of Piercing
  • 41 Arrows of Biting
  • 120 Bolts +1
  • 120 Bolts +2
  • 71 Bolts of Biting
  • 80 Bolts of Lightning
  • 120 Bullets +1
  • 120 Bullets +2
  • 40 Darts +1
  • 200 Darts of Wounding
  • 80 Darts of Stunning
  • Bag of Holding
  • Dusty Rose Ioun Stone
  • Spear +3
  • Protection from Normal Missiles Wizard Spell
  • Plate Mail "Doom Plate" +3
  • Prismatic Spray Wizard Spell
  • Ring of Regeneration
  • Delayed Blast Fireball Wizard Spell
  • Project Image Wizard Spell
  • Ring of Free Action
  • Spirit Armor
  • Simulacrum Wizard Spell
  • Monster Summoning III Wizard Spell
  • Cleric's Staff +3
  • Protection from Cold Scroll
  • Identify Wizard Scroll
  • Resist Fear Wizard Scroll
  • Finger of Death Spell
  • Power Word: Stun
  • Ray of Enfeeblement
  • Wooden Stakes
  • Short Sword +1
  • Katana "Malakar" +2
  • Two-Handed Sword "Flame of the North"
  • Sunfire Wizard Spell
  • Maze Wizard Spell
  • Chain Lightning Wizard Spell
  • Limited Wish Wizard Spell
  • Breach Wizard Spell
  • Blindness Wizard Spell
  • Phantom Blade Wizard Spell
  • Gesen Short Bow String
  • Cloak of Reflection
  • Shocking Grasp Wizard Spell
  • Club +2; +3 vs Undead
  • Boots of Grounding
  • Boots of the North
  • Boots of Speed
  • Jester's Chain +4

Spellhold  -  All Monsters

     This is a full list of all Monsters found within the rooms on all levels of Spellhold, their locations can be found by viewing the rooms separately through the solution as they are also covered in the Room Statistics.

  • Lizard Men
  • Air Elemental
  • Poison Mist
  • Vampiric Mist
  • Wandering Horror
  • Shadows
  • Wraith
  • Jon Irenicus
  • Clones
  • Murderer
  • Pit Fiend
  • Greater Werewolf
  • Djinn
  • Clay Golem
  • Umber Hulks
  • Minotaurs
  • Kobold Captain
  • Sword Spider
  • Mind Flayer
  • Beholder
  • Greater Mummy
  • Bone Golems
  • Skeleton Warrior
  • Dace Sontan
  • Kobolds
  • Kobold Witch Doctor
  • Kobold Commando
  • Kobold Guardians
  • Quasit
  • Imp
  • Yuan-Ti
  • Yuan-Ti Mage
  • Spirit Troll
  • Stone Golem
  • Gauth
  • Trolls
  • Werewolves
  • Spore Colony
  • Spectral Troll

Dungeon Master Notes

As a player and participant on Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn Message Boards I had heard a lot about Spellhold and the good times people were having inside, yet for myself, I was not that impressed. That's not to say I didn't enjoy my time in Spellhold but I went in expecting so much more and came out with nothing but a dull, empty, what-a-waste-of-time-filler-area feeling in my stomach. Perhaps it's just me and point the finger all you want but for a place that is feared in all of Athkatla and Amn, there wasn't much to fear once inside.

In fact, the majority of my time spent in Spellhold was with Grub and Grub alone, leaving the rest of the party standing around due to the fact that the dangers and problems one will face once inside were, quite frankly, a joke.

Jon Irenicus and the scene that does take place here was well done, giving you a taste of his power as that of Bodhi too and it only helped fuel the plot further but it was the Asylum that you're thrown into that really disappointed me. The mood was set fairly well, with riddles, traps and strange rooms to wander about in and because I was expecting something much more crazy, insane and down right dangerous, I was let down once there. Kobolds, Umber Hulks, Minotaurs and the scattered Golem was all that I came across the majority of the time. I would have loved to have seen some magical creations gone bad wandering the halls, locked in the rooms and even some crazy, magic wielding, spell throwing person, be it male or female, lost, confused and totally off the wall from running around in the passages.

Instead, what you'll get are a lot of empty spaces with what I consider "filler" locations to pass the time away and keep you inside longer than is needed. As well, the good old monty haul syndrome of magical items laying around every corner continues as it had been in all the previous areas I have gone through and there is no shortage in this when you explore Spellhold.

Party Advancement

So here we go!

Through my entire adventure to this point I knew that Imoen was stuck here, waiting to be saved and set free from her personal hell. Unfortunately for her, that was not going to be the case.

Oh how I have heard so much about her being my sister, how I'm not playing it right by leaving her behind, letting her go and the list goes on and on. From my perspective, I did not play Baldur's Gate with Grub, the character created for Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn and because of this, Grub was not in Candlekeep, never grew up with this Imoen character and to him, she was more crazy than he was babbling about all these memories of the two of them that simply never happened!

Saving her was all that mattered to Grub who only wanted to return the favour because she helped him escape his cell so long ago that Jon Irenicus had put him into. Once this was done, Grub and Imoen were even and I treated it as such.

Once I saved her, I let her leave and turned my full attention to finding and killing Jon Irenicus.

As for you, taking Imoen is a choice you'll have to make on your own and that also depends on how you're playing your game too. From a party stand point, if I was playing with my original character from Baldur's Gate and roleplayed it to a tee where I knew and grew up with Imoen I probably would have stuck her into my group, but maybe not.

The reason for this is that by the time you reach Spellhold you'll most likely have done so many side quests in and around Athkatla that you'll be very, very happy with how your group is forming and have worked out such a good connection with those NPCs that Imoen would only take you two steps back.

As for my party in Spellhold they really didn't do much but follow me around to the exit points of each level as they weren't needed for much of my exploration of this area. Depending on your character and level when you arrive, you'll most likely be able to do the same thing and let them chill.

Also, should you our should you not go directly to The Underdark? A good question and I suggest you take a boat rather than taking the portal directly to The Underdark for if you do this, you will miss an area and never have a chance to get to it again. You will eventually arrive in the Sahuagin City which will then take you to The Underdark.

01 Level 13 Grub Barbarian Half Orc
02 Level 11 Valygar [Stalker] Human
03 Level 12 Minsc Ranger Human
04 Level 9/12 Jaheira Fighter/Druid Half Elf
05 Level 11 Keldorn [Inquisitor] Human
06 Level 10/11 Aerie Cleric/Mage Avariel
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