MM8 looting variable #1 - Luck=501

Total amulets & rings: 30
Amulet & ring value: 106050
Avg. amulet/ring value: 3535
% chance to find: 19.23

Total armor items: 57
Armor value: 194140
Avg. armor value: 3405.96
% chance to find: 36.54

Total artifacts/relics: 8
Artifact/Relic value: 230000
Avg. Artifact/Relic value: 28750
% chance to find: 5.13

Total books: 1
Book value: 7500
% chance to find: 0.64

Total gems: 2
Gem value: 5250
Avg. gem value: 2625
% chance to find: 1.28

Total potions: 3
Potion value: 6000
% chance to find: 1.92

Total reagents: 15
Reagent value: 2301*
% chance to find: 9.62

Total scrolls: 1
Scroll value: 600
% chance to find: 0.64

Total wands: 10
Wand value: 28000
Avg. wand value: 2800
% chance to find: 6.41

Total weapons: 29
Weapon value: 44680
Avg. weapon value: 1540.69
% chance to find: 18.59

Total items: 156
Total value: 624521
Avg. item value: 4003.34

*This includes the herb I obtained from the Flightleader in run #3