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Folko Brandyback & Friends (SoA)

Discussion in 'Creativity Surge' started by Modjahed, Sep 12, 2001.

  1. Modjahed Gems: 14/31
    Latest gem: Chrysoberyl

    Jul 30, 2000
    Likes Received:
    I have started another game of SoA (later to go to ToB) and I plan to roleplay the
    following Multiplayer party: Protagonist - Halfling Fighter, and two companions -
    Dwarf Berserker and Dwarf Fighter/Thief.
    Details below.

    Here goes anoter story.

    Unfortunately English is not my native language, and I don't have such great narration abilities as tjekanefir or Kailynne Johanne. I hope that you won't find it too boring.

    First I will give a little background.

    In Russia there is quite a famous fantasy writer Nick Perumov. One of his best series is the freestyle sequel to the "Lord of the Rings" called "Ring of Darkness", and it is really good. The heroes of my story are the heroes of Perumov's book. I will try my best to adapt the plot and the characters to the Shadows of Amn and ToB.

    The protagonist, named Folko Brandyback is a halfling. He was raised in Candlekeep by Gorion, and he has always been different from his mates and other youngsters in Candlekeep: most of his free time he spent in the library, studying old books. He often dreamed of great adventures, and in his dreams he saw far lands, fierce battles and great magic.
    Unfortunately for him Gorion was a strict teacher, and Folko has to do his share of
    kitchen work (all halflings are great cooks) and household shores.

    Folko grew up, and among other talents he proved to be an exellent archer. Nobody in
    Canlekeep could match his dexterity and marksmanship with a bow. He was also very skilled with a throwing knife. Once there was a party of elves passing through Candlekeep, and they were amazed with Folko's skill.

    ... It was a regular Autumn evening, and Folko was busy with helping to load a caravan that was heading out to the Friendly Arm Inn to sell some of the crops, gathered on the farms near Candlekeep. There was suddenly a loud knock on the gates, and a short, but very robust figure entered the Candlekeep courtyard. Upon closer inspection it turned out to be a bearded dwarf, dressed in armor and with a battle axe, stuck behind his belt. The dwarf's face was steadfast and covered with scars, and his posture and manners could easily identify him as a very confident person and a skilled fighter. He greeted everyone and asked if he could
    spend the night in the Inn. Gorion came up to him, and after a short talk he found out that the dwarf's name was Thorin, son of Darth, and he was heading to the Friendly Arm to meet some of his fellow mates.

    Folko saw that Thorin's face was a bit worried - contrary to many of the dwarves he met - they always laughed, singed, bragged and consumed gallons of ale. He became very eager to talk to the dwarf, and after following him to the steps of the Inn, came up to him and introduced himself.

    They went into the Inn, Thorin ordered the room, and he and Folko sat down in the tavern, ordered som ale and started to talk. Folko was asking what was happening in the realms, about Thorin's journey, told him about his own life on Candlekeep. "Something Evil is happening in the world", Thorin said. "People's minds are uneasy, and I cannot sit in one place. I want to find out what is happening". Word to word, Folko told about old books, that were found in Candlekeep library, and Thorin was very eager to read some of the tomes
    Folko mentioned. They tiptoed to the upper floor of the library past the sleeping library keeper, and stayed up until dusk.

    ... Morning came, and after breakfast Thorin started to gather his belongings and was
    heading to the gates. A sudden and very strong urge stormed through Folko's body. He
    suddenly realised that now is his chance - and the decision he makes will affect all of his life. he didn't hesitate for long, rushed to his place, gathered his backpack, took from the hook on the wall his favourite hunting bow, and came up to Gorion: "I'm leaving. I'm old enough and I want a new life. Don't try to dissuade me, I am positive about this".
    And off they went. Thorin was glad - he felt that Folko would be a very good companion in his journeys, and he knew from experience that seemingly fragile halflings were sometimes tougher than 9-inch nails.

    --- to be continued ---

    Please give any comments, and whether or not you are interested in hearing more.

    [This message has been edited by Modjahed (edited September 12, 2001).]
  2. The Grim Ripper Gems: 6/31
    Latest gem: Jasper

    Jun 1, 2001
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] COOL! carry on! I want to hear more please
    P.s: thats gooooood english! keep it up :D
  3. Modjahed Gems: 14/31
    Latest gem: Chrysoberyl

    Jul 30, 2000
    Likes Received:
    They were not in a hurry, and reached Friendly Arm Inn by next dusk. Thorin was not very pleased when aguard at the gates halted him and asked him to put his battle axe in his backpack. When Thorin wondered what was that all about, the guard said: one very merry dwarf got drunk the other night; the ale in the tavern came to an end, and the dwarf wanted more; the barkeep told him the ale IS OVER, then thatdwarf started to chop the door to the cellar with his axe. The door was metal-shod, but was cut in pieces nevertheless. Naturally, the barkeep called the guards. When the guards came to the Tavern, that dwarf (by the way his name is Strori) chopped off all the tips from the guards' spears - just for fun. When the guards' captian understood, that they will not be able to take him by force, he put down his sword and said peacefully: "Come with us, we need to talk to you. Just give us your axe". Strori, without any second thought, gave up his axe and came willingly. Natually, when he woke up in the morning, he faced the moist and cold prison wall and a huge fine. It was after that incident that dwarfs were not allowed to carry their axes freely. (NCR in Fallout 2, anyone? :D).

    Thorin stuck his axe in his backpack, and took out a small hammer, that he hung to his
    waist - the verdict spoke only of axes, and no dwarf will walk the streets unarmed. They
    made it to the Tavern - and bah, there was a whole bunch of Thorin's friens - and - who do
    you think - Strori. Thorin greeted anyone, introduced Folko and sat down. The conversation flew freely and dragged well past midnight. After everyone got as drunk as he wished, dwarves started to leave. The only ones left were Thorin, Folko, and Strori, who was fast asleep under the table. Our friends woke up the small dwarf (Strori was smaller than most of dwarves, while Thorin was bigger than his kin) and it turned out that Strori didn't even have money to pay for his room. Thorin offered help, and so three of our friends found
    themselves together upstairs in the Friendly Arm Inn...

    Here starts the adventure of our trio.
    I will give some details on the characters.

    1) Folko Brandyback - son of Hamfast - Neutral good Fighter. His feats are: he is a great cook, and he is very smart and wise for his age (stats will be below). He is a great archer and knows a way with a short sword.

    2) Thorin, son of Darth - Chaotic Good Berserker. He is an excellent weaponsmith, and very wise for a dwarf. He is a master axeman, and knows how to use a hammer.

    3) Strori, son of Nain - Chaotic Neutral Fighter/Thief. Very chaotic person, but with a trend to Good. Strori is not as strong and as wise as Thorin, but holds his own. When he
    was a child, he lost two of his fingers on his right arm in the accident (near the flaming forge) so he never could use his axe very good. That's why he learned to use to perfection weapons, that are not very liked by dwarves - he dualwielded a longsword and a dagger. He also knows how to use a crossbow (as Thorin). He is also a master engraver and a very able locksmith (read find traps, open locks, detect illusion, set traps).

    --- more to follow ---
  4. The Grim Ripper Gems: 6/31
    Latest gem: Jasper

    Jun 1, 2001
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] YAY! *claps*
  5. Modjahed Gems: 14/31
    Latest gem: Chrysoberyl

    Jul 30, 2000
    Likes Received:
    The last one from work - next one will be tonight from home.

    ...One more thing to add. The actions of the group were always inspired by what is Good and Virtuos in the true sense. They do not behave like fanatical Lawful Good paladins (hate those), but common sense, peace and courage guide thier actions.

    As I am not playing with this gang through BG 1, I will not tell anything about the Sword Coast adventures, you all can fit the story onto this party yourselves. Let us just say, that in their search for the Evil, that plagues the land, they wandered to Amn, and finally found themselves trapped in Irenicus' Dungeon. They were freed by Imoen, a girl Folko knew from Candlekeep, but our friends refused to take her into their party, saying: "This is our quest. It is of no use to gather an army to solve the matter, and we don't want to endanger
    you". This is basically what my heroes will tell to every NPC, with a couple exceptions.

    Now to the stats of our heroes:

    1) Folko Brandyback - Neutral Good Halfling Fighter.

    STR - 17
    DEX - 19
    CON - 10
    WIS - 17
    INT - 17
    CHA - 9

    Proficiencies: +++++ Short Bow, + Short Sword

    Started with 58 HP, now has a bit more.

    2) Thorin son of Darth - Chaotic Good Dwarf Berserker

    STR - 18/99
    DEX - 17
    CON - 19
    INT - 11
    WIS - 18
    CHA - 2

    Proficiencies: ++++ Axe, ++ Single Weapon Style

    Started with 92 HP.

    3) Strori son of Nain - Chaotic Neutral Dwarf Fighter/Thief

    STR - 18/70
    DEX - 17
    CON - 19
    INT - 11
    WIS - 10
    CHA - 2

    Proficiencies: ++ Long Swords, + Daggers, +++ Two Weapon Style

    Started with 82 HP.


    I will be telling the story in the form of a diary, that was kept by the main character. From the very beginning of thier travels, Folko kept a detailed journal of thier experience. For the purpose of simplifying the understanding I will date the entries in the diary according to the elapsed game time. This will also allow to see the timeline of this adventure.

    --- more to follow ---
  6. Spudsquisher Gems: 13/31
    Latest gem: Ziose

    May 16, 2001
    Likes Received:
    wow. this is cool, do you write a lot of stories?
  7. Zaragoth Guest

    [​IMG] This is great! Keep it up!
    One thing though.. Should this not have been posted in "Baldurs Gate" in stead of "SoA"?
  8. Big B Gems: 27/31
    Latest gem: Emerald

    Feb 22, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Not really, Modjahed was just giving us a bit of background, you can see know he will talk about the adventure in Irenicus' dungeon. (He's just not ready for another BG1 run yet, ehh? ;)) Have fun Modjahed, and do not worry about your English skills, there are people in America who couldn't write like you ;)
  9. tjekanefir Gems: 13/31
    Latest gem: Ziose

    Jun 21, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Modjahed, I'm a linguist and a teacher of English and your command of the language is very good, so don't worry about that. (-: Keep up the storywriting!
  10. Modjahed Gems: 14/31
    Latest gem: Chrysoberyl

    Jul 30, 2000
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the support, I really needed it :).

    First of all, an answer to Spudsquisher: No, I don't write stories, this one is my first, and it is not even mine :D. I'll explain: I am sorry if I confused you people in my first post - actually both the background and the characters were taken directly from the book I mentioned. All I did was changing geographical locations and translating it in English. All the credit for the story should go to Nick Perumov, what *I* am trying to do is merely apply one of my favourite books to one of my favourite games.

    Day 1

    " ... We found ourselves caged and barely conscious. My old friend Imoen has rescued us from imprisonment; I didn't remember how we were brought here, and neither do I know who would wish us locked up. My mind ached as it has been hit by a dozen of hammers. After a lot of cursing from Thorin and Strori in thier non-understandable tongue we got out and started to think how we will get out...

    <<I am not writing a book or a BG2 story so I will put in my posts only exerpts from Folko's diary, skipping the evident stuff>>

    Day 2

    ... when I held dryads' acorns in my hand I had a strange feeling - they seemed to be alive and pulsing softly. I hid them in my purse, wondering when and how we will be able to plant them...

    Day 4

    ... on the second level we had a very funny encounter - a fat man, locked up in a room. He begged to set him free - what we sure did. As we were exploring the room (Strori was constantly muttering to himself something about "... damn traps...") this man followed me around almost toe to toe. When we finished looting the room we didn't have much time for reflections, so we moved on, and the fat man stayed behind.

    ... and after pulling my bowstring for the last time and stepping over the dead bodies, we climbed to the opening in the wall and suddenly were blinded by bright sunlight. We were out...

    ... We were a bit stunned, and didn't have a clue what happened, so I rushed to the nearest townperson and made some inquiries: it has been The Cowled Wizards. We'll have to remember not to get in thier way ... too much.

    ... we did what we thought was best - found the nearest Inn, ordered the rooms and some ale, and went upstairs. To our amasement our room was occupied by some strange company, and a cracking dwaven voice started to hurl insults at us. Now it has NOT been the most pleasant day for us. At some other place at some other time I might be able to calm down Thorin, but not today. I saw his face redden, huge veins popped out on his bear-like hands as he swung his axe free. It was too late for words, so battle it was. VERY quickly we saw that it is not at all going to our favor - Thorin and Strori were both hurt, and three of the enemies, including the mage were still standing and barely wounded. We took our only chance and almost rolled down the stairs and out of the tavern. Fortunately, there were a couple guards around, who heped us to end this fight. Soldiers took our enemies fallen bodies and left us with some great equipment. The dwarf's full plate fit Thorin perfectly, so he finally stopped cursing and seemed quite pleased. We finally were able to rest...

    Day 5

    ... the crying child was finally returned to his mother after Kalah was dead...

    ... A couple of stupid goons assaulted us as soon as we came out of Gaelan Bayle's house. Too bad for them. We entered a huge tavern-inn-whatever-it-is. We felt like the wall of noise fell upon us - drunks, barmaids, warriors, merchants - everything. We looked around and made our way to the far counter with a fat barkeep and a man of quite a disgusting appearance standing close together. Evil lust shone in the thin man's eyes, and I became quite worried. It turned out that he just wanted to help us get rid of some money, showing us to the back of the tavern. We thanked him and meanwhile took a look around seeking a free table. Strori suddenly saw a dwarven figure occupying a table alone. We came up to him - and were met by the stench and some foul curses coming from his mouth. Our conversation has not been long, and ended with Thorin saying: "We will not plunder any graves with you. If you didn't amass any virtue or intellect throughout your life, don't hesitate to borrow some." So we were again standing in the middle of the room...

    ... we promised Nalia to help her, but did not accept her in our company. Why? Because most of our time we spend in the woods with wolves, and we don't exaclty have a way with ladies. If a girl is around us all the time, we, to be honest, would feel quite uneasy. Besides this, I would not forgive myself, if some girl dies because of something we do or do not do.

    Nobody seemed to care about us anymore, so we decided to check out those back rooms...

    ... Hendak thanked us again, and Bernard showed us some of the items he didn't offer us the first time - and we could afford to buy two excellent axes for Thorin. I also bought a couple of packs of acid arrows for my new bow. Strori didn't find anything useful for himself, so we just gave him the cloak we picked off the dead wizard. We went to the temple to get healing, and in an hour we were fast asleep.

    Day 6

    Next morning we faced a decision - whether to go explore the city further or head out to help Nalia. I wanted to get to the fresh air after the stench of the Slums, Strori wanted to taste the ale in all Athkatla's taverns, and Thorin didn't care. Finally we desided to move out to the De'Arnise hold...

    ... Thorin was quite pissed off, and didn't even notice blood dripping from his thigh: "You can't walk a mile without being attacked by some bandits! What are we going to do with Renfield? We almost arrived to the Keep and going back would be a waste of time". We finally decided to take the body along...

    ... we left the body with the Capitan and entered the Keep through the hidden door...

    --- more to follow ---

    [edited for typos]

    [This message has been edited by Modjahed (edited September 12, 2001).]
  11. Nobleman Gems: 27/31
    Latest gem: Emerald

    May 8, 2001
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] Nice style. You kept my curiosity peeked. :cool:
  12. Sir Dargorn Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    May 6, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Very good!
    You speak good enlish for a russian i am impressed. You Foreigners put us pathetic English to shame cos we know no languages.
    Keep it up! more more!
  13. Maertyn

    Maertyn There's nothing I cannot embrace! Veteran

    Aug 28, 2001
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] Modjahed, what's up? We're waiting... great story so far! Nice idea to fit a novel to the game, yes, indeed!
  14. Modjahed Gems: 14/31
    Latest gem: Chrysoberyl

    Jul 30, 2000
    Likes Received:
    I am terribly sorry, folks, I forgot to mention a very intersting encounter, that took place in the Gate District, when we were heading out to the Keep, so I will start with that. Also, I had a VERY busy day at work today, so I didn't even have time to post the next bit of the story. I am now putting it up in one big chunk.

    Day 7

    ... We spoke to a young man, learned about the animal trouble in Trademeet, and told him that we will try to get there eventually. Strori started his usual story about having to drink this last mug of ale, and as we know that it is useless to argue with him, we entered the small tavern nearby. When we were about to finish our drinks, Strori noticed something unusual about the painting, hanging on the other wall. After a bit of exploration he turned and pulled somethig, revealing a dark and narrow stairway. Before we could warn him, he climbed inside, so we had to follow. We found ourelves in a small room and at the other side of it a very strange creature rose from the floor and opened its gleaming eyes. It was surely some sort of undead, so Thorin didn't hesitate long - he pulled out Azuredge and hurled it at the creature. Before I could think my hand pulled out an arrow and soon the string of my bow slapped my archer's bracer. No effect. The creature started incanting terribly and a glowing and shining sphere appeared around it - our weapons and missiles couldn't penetrate it. Suddenly the time frose, and we saw the undead mage cast three spells in rapid succession. When our feelings returned to us, it seemed that fire started raining from the sky, and a horrible demonic creature appeared alongside the mage. Once again, all we could do was flee. I don't remember how
    we got out, breathing heavily and badly hurt; we quickly gulped down a couple healing potions and caught our breath. Strori said: "He used some kind of protection magic. As far as I know, it never lasts long, so we might have a better chance
    the second time". Thorin almost yelled at him: "You want to go in there - feel free. I am NOT". "Coward...", muttered Strori. I had to step in between the dwarves as they were about to start fighting each other. "Remember, that our quarrels will only aid Irenicus, so please calm down. We didn't die the first time, so we will survive the second time too". It turned out that it was that rare occasion, when Strori was actually right, so we took down the undead mage easily. The loot we got was amasing, and it was well worth all the sweat,
    blood and effort...
    Now back to De'Arnise hold

    Day 8

    ... When Daleson mentioned some great beasts, that should be fed with fresh dog
    food Thorin's face darkened: "I think I know what he is talking about...", he said glumly. "Let us hope that I am mistaken though, and let us move on"...

    ... Strori detrapped the door and we entered the room. A man, covered in steel almost jumped on us from the corner. His eyes were blank, and his mouth was twisted in an awful grimace. A quick thought flickered through my mind, and I quickly activated my Ring of Human Influence. The man stopped so suddenly it looked like he hit some unseen wall. His vision cleared, he moved his had over his face - like cleaning it of some sticky web, and said in a deep voice: "Thank you, whoever
    you are". The man turned out to be Glaicas, one of the most faithful soldiers of Lord De'Arnise. He gave us the second flail head, asking us to put the family weapon to good use...

    ... We entered a large hallway. Six huge figures stood silently on the right side.
    I pushed Thorin's side with my elbow: "Remember, we met creatures like that at the Lighthouse, south of High Hedge...". Thorin nodded. Golems didn't seem to notice us, so we started exploring the room. Along the wall we moved to the leftmost alcove, at the far end of the room. In the dim light of torches we saw the third flail head and a fancy hammer laying on the postament. Thorin
    approached it, stuck his axe behind his belt and took both items. Suddenly the two farthest golems moved and ran to us with a roar. We defended ourselves with what we could - Thorin was swinging the hammer he had in his hands, Strori wielded Daystar, and I was fighting with Arbane's sword. The first golem fell quickly, but the second one proved to be much tougher - it seemed that only Thorin was doing some damage to it. Finally the golem fell, but we were qute hurt. We decided not to touch anything else in that room, as the other golems were even
    bigger than the ones we have slain. We got out of the room, and Thorin said: "Damn! I already miss the times where you knew for sure - if the enemy is in front of you, and you hit it with a blade, it will be damaged... It seems that those big fellas are only harmed with blunt weapons - the edged ones only scratch them harmlessly. We'll have to learn to use blunt weponry to slay them - I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of golems around. I can use a hammer,
    and I once saw Strori using a flail. You, Folko, might also want to learn how to
    use some kind of mace"...

    ... we were in front of a closed door. "This is it", Thorin said. "Now, friends, you stay behind me, because I know the tricks those beasts try to pull, and have learned to counter it". Then he opened the door...
    I do not know about halfling cavaliers :D, but dwarven berserkers sure have
    VERY good ST - I have not even once been confused by Umber Hulks - and I didn't
    have a sinlge magical item, protectng from charm or confusion!

    ... Nalia's offer was quite surprising. We were standing with our heads bowed, then both dwarves looked me in the eyes - as usual, they left the tough talking for the little halfling. "Thank you for your offer, Nalia. I wish we could help you with this, as with the trolls. But we need to find Imoen and pay a debt to Irenicus. Nobody knows whether or not I will be alive in a week, so I can not take responsibility for the Keep. Thank you again, and maybe we would come back at better times".

    A full day's rest and a special brew from herbs, made by Nalia, helped Reinfeld, so he started to feel better. We spent a night in the Keep's yard, and headed back to the city as soon as sun rose above the forest...

    Day 9

    ... as we were heading to the Docks district to meet Reinfeld's friends, we stopped by the Slums to sell the extra equipment. We now had the sum, requested by Gaelan, so we went to see him; meanwhile some hooded girl named Valen tried to persuade us to spend this money on something else, but naturally we refused. After learning that now we are to see the shadowmaster Linvail in the Docks District, so that's where we headed...

    ... we brought Reinfeld to the Harpers'
    building (we now know what it is, after speaking with that fool Xzar and seeing
    him die)...

    ... after speaking the Aran and agreeing to help him *again* we decided to do a bit of exploration in the district. We talked to Renal and agreed to help him, dispatched some pirates in the Sea Bounty's cellar, met a weird skull, that asked us to get pieces of his body for him, and finally arrived to the Mae'var's guildhouse. We found him in the basement, after having a pleasant chit-chat with a merchant near the entrance door. We even bought a new cloak fo me. Our conversation with Mae'var was very short and not very pleasing - the man barely paid attention to us, just gave us a stupid task and returned to what he was doing. We went uptairs, moved in the corner out of the reach of all curious ears, and Strori said: "I don't like this. Talos is not some goon who you can strip with no problem. Let's do some exploration in the guildhouse, maybe we can sovle Renal's quest without any stealing". So that was exactly what we did - without attracting too much attention (nobody seemed to care anyway, maybe because they knew we were Renal's associates), we stuck our nose into every corner of the guild, finding nothing. At last I aid "Looks like we do not have much choice. In the worst case, we will try to return the Amulet
    back to the Mistress". Appparently we had two things to do - meet Mook and go to
    the Temple District - both should be done at night. We still had a couple hours to kill, so we got out...

    ... me and Strori each were finishing another mug of ale, while Thorin and Cronwell
    were still discussing something about weapons and smithing. At last Thorin looked
    out of the window, and said: "Well, we must be going. I hope to see you in a day or two"...

    ... we have slain Lassal, reported to Aran and headed to the Temple District...

    ... we sneaked our way to the Temple of Talos. It was not hard for Strori to get the amulet, and he even managed not to wake up everyone in the District - thanks to my idea of having him take off his platemail. On the way back we took the other route, passing through Five Flagons on the Bridge. We found out what we had to and went to see the two thieves - first Aran, then Mae'var. The latter sent us upstairs to meet Edwin, who apparently was his right hand. "I think this is the person we want to talk to - if anyone knows anything about the matter we are
    resolving, it will be him", Thorin said. The name "Edwin" sounded quite familiar, and when we saw him, we recognised him, but didn't show a sign of it. He told us about killing the cowled wisard, and that was something that we were definitely NOT going to do. Edwin sure was not letting us just walk away with this info, and attacked us. Too bad for him. On his body we found a key, that opened a chest on the second floor, where we got the info we wanted...

    ... "Mae'var is a traitor, yes, but we do not want to kill him. Now you have the
    information and proof you requested, and you can as well do it yourself. We do not
    care about getting the reward or not, as we do not like blood money. Good day, Renal". That sure was an interesting night for us. After all that we have done, it would be very likely that we would be hunted by the Priests of Talos and Mae'Var's goons, so we unanimously decided to leave town and headed to Trademeet...

    --- more to follow ---

    [This message has been edited by Modjahed (edited February 06, 2002).]
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2018
  15. Big B Gems: 27/31
    Latest gem: Emerald

    Feb 22, 2001
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] I like these guys, just one thing though....why'd you kill Edwin ;) :p. Was it for roleplaying reasons or game reasons that you didn't want to face the Cowled Wizard, Rayic Gethras? I have confidence in these guys! They already got the daystar lich! Keep up the good work.
  16. Modjahed Gems: 14/31
    Latest gem: Chrysoberyl

    Jul 30, 2000
    Likes Received:
    Big B: as I said in the first post my crew is a force for good. They do not like
    killing, and they almost never attack first. The case with Edwin was the same - after
    they repeatedy refused to kill that Cowled Wizard (for obvious reasons). Edwin
    turned red, summoned some thief goons (his bodyguards?) and attacked. What had
    we to do? The same thing happened with the first Harper's task - when the guy at
    the door told us to slay some evil mages that created beasts we were not so stupid
    to beleive it at once, so we decided to go there and see it with our own eyes. As soon as
    we entered we were attacked by goblins and both mages - we had to defend ourselves.

    Now on with the story.

    Day 10

    ... We agreed to help Cernd, but as we had another matter to solve in the city, we
    agreed to meet with him at the grove. We moved to the south-east of the town and
    entered the Djinni's tent. We figured out that Calimshan djinnies were hunting a
    runaway Rakshasa, so we offered our help in finding it and headed out for the Grove.
    As we were about to exit the town, a Shadow Thief approached us and gave us some
    insight to where to look for the shapeshifter...

    ... We arrived to a cave. "That's not quite the Druid's dwelling ...", Strori mentioned, but
    we decided to go inside anyway. There was a whole bunch of trolls to be dispatched of,
    so after the battle ended, we were quite hurt. However, our effort was rewarded by a
    couple of very useful items. When we got out of the mound, Thorin stopped
    and said: "This is fun and all, but I do not plan to spend the rest of the week killing
    stupid Trolls. We are here to see the druids". Seeing the fact that were were wounded,
    we decided to avoid the unneeded fighting - Thorin and Strori each used a Ring of
    Invisibility, and I quaffed a potion. Undisturbed, we arrived in front of the building
    that looked like the one described by the helpful Shadow Thief. We entered and soon
    found out that the thief was not lying - the woman changed in the Rakshasa form and
    summoned two more shapshifters. They proved to be short work for Thorin's axe and my bow,
    and soon we left the house with a Rakshasa's head and some loot. Just across
    the bridge we met Cernd, and after telling him what was going on we proceeded into the
    Druid's Temple. Cernd challenged and defeated Faldorn, and leaving him to take care of the
    Grove and restore the balance, we headed back to the city...

    Day 11

    ... we gave the mantle to the High Merchant, stopping the family feud, and before leaving
    the town stopped by the merchants. We received a good discount from them and were able to buy a bow for me and a throwing hammer for Thorin. After a quick debate we decided to get back to the city, because we still had things to to - like solving the skinner murders in the Bridge District and dealing with Bodhi. We wanted to go to the bridge - one reason for that being the fact that we really liked the Five Flagons Inn,
    and were planning to establish our "operating base" there, besides we were reluctant to go to the graveyard. But on the other side we had to save Imoen and find Irenicus, so finally we sighed and headed to the graveyard...

    --- more to follow ---

    [This message has been edited by Modjahed (edited February 06, 2002).]
  17. Earl Grey

    Earl Grey Mmm... hot tea! Veteran

    Oct 26, 2000
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] What happened?
    :sleep: Hey, wake up Modjahed! Get some... :coffee: ... if you need it!
  18. Modjahed Gems: 14/31
    Latest gem: Chrysoberyl

    Jul 30, 2000
    Likes Received:
    EDIT: I have waited to someone to show interest in the thread, since I can't double post.

    Unfortunately, the crew didn't make it. It was originally a roleplaying game, and I didn't want to reload dozens of times after every battle.

    Folko and Friends were repetedly killed in the Unseeing Eye quest. I reloaded it like fifty times (the battle at the bridge), using every known tactic *NO, I DON'T WANT TO BUY THE SHIELD OF BALDURAN* and failed. The chars were all around lvl 12 and they have done everything in chapter 2 & 3 except Umar, Windspear and Planar Shpere.

    Finally I got tired and used my Invisibility Items and potions and sneaked by two Gauths and a Beholder. After that I got killed ten times in the Undead city and abandoned.

    Yes, I know I can use cheat items, or lame tactics, or else, but I don't want to, because this run through meant to be fun and not kill-reload.

    Do not worry folks - just scroll down. After I have abandoned the thread I have beated BG2 a couple more times and I can now handle the game better. Once again I have trust in my party - I am now pretty sure they will make it to the end.

    [This message has been edited by Modjahed (edited February 06, 2002).]
  19. Shadowcouncil Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril


    Jan 8, 2001
    Likes Received:
    It indeed is a great story of a great party. I really enjoy it end will read it till the end. So.. now you can add another part of the story :) Ah btw, you can always edit your post ;) I encountered the same problem in my Thief Only party-topic.... Let's make a deal, I reply here as soon as you posted something and vice versa :)
  20. Kailynne Johanne Gems: 10/31
    Latest gem: Zircon

    Jul 28, 2001
    Likes Received:
    I personally missed reading this thread also. I thought it was a great idea with a great style... And I can certainly understand hesitancy in merely "editing" vice double posting. That particular restriction makes updates tough as well as limiting an author/contributor's feeling about appropriate "size"/word count for an "episode".

    I can really appreciate the trouble that Folko ran into in the Beholder's Lair however. A tactic that I have found quite useful, one that does not use the infamous shield, is combining skeletons/skeleton warriors and Wizard Eye. The gauths and Beholders drive themselves crazy fighting the skeletons. I have also used elementals (especially fire) as substitutes for the skeleton warriros. (If this is considered a lame tactic, well, ignore the idea. But, I figured it was taking advantage of abilities earned and learned.) Just an idea if you want to try something different in order to try to resurrect the group.

    Anyway, I'd be interesed in reading another epic by you. Don't be a stranger.

    [This message has been edited by Kailynne Johanne (edited October 01, 2001).]
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