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The Big "How Is It?" Thread

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Nights 2' started by Death Rabbit, Oct 31, 2006.

  1. Death Rabbit

    Death Rabbit Straight, no chaser Adored Veteran Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Mar 25, 2003
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    [​IMG] I thought I'd start this so that anyone who buys it tomorrow (and after) can expound on their playing experience - so the rest of us can decide whether or not we want to shell out the dough and join the fun. :)

    Detailed impressions/reviews greatly appreciated. Thanks a pantload in advance.
  2. Faraaz Gems: 26/31
    Latest gem: Diamond

    Sep 26, 2003
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    I'm goiing to be picking it up tomorrow hopefully so I'll be hanging around here for a while!!

    I hope it can run on my computer though... :(
  3. Sarevok• Gems: 23/31
    Latest gem: Black Opal

    Nov 7, 2003
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    Didn't get a good review on gamespot, infact, even the first one had a better review, so I deffinetly won't be buying it.
  4. Taluntain

    Taluntain Resident Alpha and Omega Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jun 11, 2000
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    Uh, not a good review? It got 8.6, which in their own classification is labelled as "great". And it's scored highly on all of the other reviews thus far as well (check our news).

    Honestly, if NWN1 was being reviewed objectively back when it was released, it'd have got way, way less than 8.6 (let alone the 9+ that it got on average).
  5. Uytuun Gems: 25/31
    Latest gem: Moonbar

    Apr 27, 2002
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    Still no sign of the mysterious NWN2 ("Yes, Mr. shop owner, it *is* a game.") in my picturesque area.

    [EDIT: sorry, I got this thread confused with the "Who has it?" one.)
  6. chevalier

    chevalier Knight of Everfull Chalice ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Dec 14, 2002
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    There was a review at 1UP rating it 5 out of 10 but they have pulled it and replaced with something more favourable to the game. You can still find the original review as a forum thread there.
  7. omnigodly Gems: 17/31
    Latest gem: Star Diopside


    Jan 1, 2004
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    The game has it's ups and downs. Obsidian did a great job of half-assing the role-playing/non-annoying part of it, but sure did implement a lot of stuff. Honestly I think NWN1 had more feats than NWN2 (organized better as far getting weapon focus and such goes) as well, but... as for the mechanics and all that - multiplayer will be much better, with further patches and maybe xpacs, the game has a lot of room for growth!!!

    It's up to each player whether or not they want to play an RPG-esque action adventure game or not :) .
  8. catbert

    catbert Midnight Snack Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jan 28, 2004
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    Pre-ordered, got it on the 2nd, plugged it in the drive and realized that it had an 87 megabyte patch on the day of release. Oh wow.

    Now, to be honest, I didn't have the drive to follow the development of the game, saw a whole of four screenshots before I had my hands on it, so I didn't know what to expect, and in the end, I don't think any of my expectations were met.

    The performance, in my book, is poor. I just bought an entirely new computer, with a nice and fast 3.6ghz Pentium D, a gigabyte of DDR2, and a PCIe GeForce 7600GT. I'm not the kind of person who plays games for the eye candy, so I wanted to get middle-of-the-road performance out of this with medium settings (Don't care much for shadows, dynamic lighting, bloom effects, and whatnot). I get a consistent 15fps with the settings minimized. Resolution - 1280x1024, this game is not made to be played on less due to low-resolution GUI panels that were drawn (in my opinion) by a person with no artistic talent whatsoever. I shelved this game when I read a lot of reports of people with dual SLI'd GF7900GTX get ~30 frames per second. I need 30 to play, but I'm not about to shell out another $700 to bring my machine up to the demands.

    First impression? 3/10 at most. The game feels cheap. Voice sets are re-used from NWN, so is a lot of music and sound effects. Character creation made me wonder if I'm about to play a KOTOR mod. Spell, feat, and item icons look strictly amateur and convey precious little information. Radial menu is gone, but I knew that. Inventory looks like Baldur's Gate 1, and in 2006 this is not a compliment. There isn't a single thing about it that reminds me of NWN, and it has a very generic cookie-cutter style. Character animations are pitiful, both in motion and combat. This is my biggest gripe by far, I failed to get any sense of immersion because the characters look so blatantly artificial.

    According to some, the storyline is better than NWN1, and this seems to be the only redeeming quality of the game in my eyes, which is a moot point seeing how it hurts my eyes to play it. The game's on a shelf until the patches bring it into 1.60s, at which point I will give it another try.
  9. chevalier

    chevalier Knight of Everfull Chalice ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Dec 14, 2002
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    @omnigodly: Care to explain the weapon focus difference from NWN1? ;)

    @Catbert: To me, some of the screens look like Rage of Mages or another well-meant but budget game. And some stuff looks like Might & Magic IX, which is a bad association. Some looks like Might & Magic 6 and that's a good association, but come on, just how old it is. We're talking about a friggin' new game with unearthly requirements. And it's not an insane first person shooter, it's an RPG.

    And KotOR rules. It was fluent and all on my machine, even KotOR 2. I do think it was sufficient, graphics-wise. Could have the same in NWN2.
  10. reepnorp

    reepnorp Lim'n Lime Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!)

    Sep 21, 2002
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    My Lord do I want this game. Sure, the last thing I need is another distraction from studying, but still.

    And catbert, I love your infamously lurking behaviour. It's been quite a while since I've spoken to you last.
  11. Alavin

    Alavin If I wanted your view, I'd read your entrails Veteran

    Aug 26, 2003
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    The way Weapon Focus is displayed is annoying. Rather than selecting Weapon Focus... followed by the weapon in another box, there are individual feats for each, which makes the list of feats at levelup very cluttered. The same applies for skill focus and improved critical, and probably for any others that used a separate box in NWN.

    I think the graphics look great. I love that everything has ceilings now. The characters have more animations, and the toolset is awesome. The camera can be a pain; it zooms too sluggishly for my liking. The characters are deep, and the quests, much like KotOR2, have a lot more grey morality. The game does start slowly, though; it's only when you reach Neverwinter that it becomes great. There's also a lot of humour in it, and the fact that this is made by some of the people who made Torment becomes quite clear. Voicing isn't great, and there aren't enough heads and hairstyles. And huzzah, there's no more radial menu!

    [End of incoherent stream of thoughts]
  12. Bombur

    Bombur I'm always last and I don't like it

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Aside from issues I have with some of the mechanics and rules, I'm not finding the story very compelling at this point. You start off with life-long friends and a father who is far from appealing, which shows some promise. But before you really get attached, you lose/dump/leave the lot of them. The only real motive established, other than self-preservation, is the death of someone whom you didn't get to know well enough (in gameplay terms) to be sold on avenging. All in all, the backstory seems merely to be a device to get the game rolling.

    Beyond that, no real story has emerged. No epic adventure. No world to save. No personal quest of discovery. It's about as mysterious and interesting as a Scooby Doo episode. I'm not hooked. If it doesn't pick up soon, I'll probably shelve it and replay the BG series for the thousandth time. Even the OC of NWN1 would be preferable to this -- at least the NWN1 NPCs had stories to tell.

    In NWN2, I'm about to dirt nap the stupid tiefling myself. She's worse that Anomen, and the game engine won't let me dump her. I'm almost ready to start a new game and blow a dozen hours of play just so I can avoid making the mistake of saving her.
  13. catbert

    catbert Midnight Snack Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jan 28, 2004
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    I'd love to smoke what you're smoking, but it is probably illegal. The only game that has less animations than NWN2 is uh, chess, I guess.

    A perfect example (and why I cannot bear to play this game and explore its grey morality and apprently a great campaign) is your character movement. There are three stages: stand, walk, run. You stand, you press shift and walk, or you run. Should you run, you acceletare from zero to full instantaneously. Should you move one step sideways, you will make a vapid dash for it, complete with the awkward run animation that reminds me of claymation more than any real motion capture.

    Compare that to NWN - if you make a step, it's a step. You could tread lightly, run, walk casually, with a simple mouse control, and the animation speed and intensity adjusts accordingly. If you go from point a to point b, you visibly accelerate, run, slow down, stop, with an incredibly organic and fluid animation.

    Battles? Well, they decided that a cleave isn't worth it's own attack animation. More animations? No way, Jose.
  14. omnigodly Gems: 17/31
    Latest gem: Star Diopside


    Jan 1, 2004
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    The movement animations are less important to me than the gameplay and environment. Doesn't make sense to set everything to medium/low graphics and then complain about the animations being medium/low quality.

    Alavin hit the weapon focus thing right on the money. Same issue with Skill Focus. Seems like Obsidian just wanted to make it look like there were more feats since they failed miserably at applying anymore than NWN1 had. The tiefling is a tad annoying, but I got used to her by the time I hit the city. She also toned down a little bit. Otherwise I mute my sound during her animation and just read the text :) .

    To be honest, I think Obsidian owes everyone a better game instead re-doing NWN1 - the story line just rings of "rip-off (NWN1)". Magical artifacts, woo... never seen that before in NWN1, SoU and HotU... I hope there's more to it after you get started in the city, or I'm going to quit playing the campaign and go straight to player-made mods.
  15. catbert

    catbert Midnight Snack Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jan 28, 2004
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    I don't know.. Animations matter to me much more than 32-bit overdone and pointless spell effects. After all, when I imagine myself cast a transmutation spell, I don't think that a magic apparition that slightly resembles a central processing unit silicon plate pops up on top of me.

    Maybe it's just me, I want my role-playing games to give me a sense of visual immersion, and everything on screen acting like a wind-up doll doesn't contribute much to it. NWN, with all its shortfalls, gave me just that, and when I played multiplayer, I could imagine the characters around me as real people. The NWN2 puppets do not do that to me. They just don't have anything to them that makes them feel alive, and there is no excuse for such a flaw in a game which was supposed to be all that.
  16. Rawgrim Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    Dec 11, 2004
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    I thought the graphichs looked too "cute". Kind of like wow or something. I haven`t played it too much though, but it doesn`t seem like it has improved anything from the original game. The guys who made Morrowind and Oblivion are decades ahead of the guys who made nwn in my opinion. In ever aspect of the game.
  17. Killjoy Gems: 8/31
    Latest gem: Skydrop

    Jun 21, 2005
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    From what I can tell, the regular walk/run animations from NWN are still in the game, including walking and strafing. You may just have yours set to autorun. Frankly, I don't see how something that trivial can seriously impact a game experience.

    The game is also running like crap on my rig, which is admittedly not super-high end, but even with all the settings turned to their lowest, it's still chugging hard.
  18. Alavin

    Alavin If I wanted your view, I'd read your entrails Veteran

    Aug 26, 2003
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    When I said more animations, I meant specifically non-combat animations, since they're the ones that matter most to me. For example, after one quest, a large group of men starts cheering at the prospect of heading to the pub, and starts cheering; they use half a dozen different cheer animations. Since I intend to make extensive use of the toolset, this is important to me; I can make much more immersive cutscenes than was possible in NWN.
  19. Boy at a busstop Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Jun 25, 2006
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    I agree about the animations, they look a bit silly...

    When that fighter at the beginning of the game started running with this longsword I couldn't stop laughing. I was reminded of Monty Python. Or better yet, Robin Hood: Men in Tights.
    Remember that scene where Robin Hood interupts the Duke's dinner. After a while a lot of guards run out, falling over like domino stones later that scene.
    That fighter guy reminds me of those guards...

    But, in all fairness, the game is cool, I'm enjoying myself immensly and I don't really care about graphics, as long as I can see the end of the story!
  20. Equester Gems: 18/31
    Latest gem: Horn Coral


    Oct 13, 2003
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    ithink this game has better npc's then morrowind/oblivion ever had. secondly the original campaign has a better story then nwn1(okay i have seen fps and c-movies with better stories)
    thirdly the going back to full party control rocks.

    and finaly, much like nwn1, this game rocks not do to the mainstory but do the possibility of playermade mods and online worlds.
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