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Fallout 3 MOD list

Discussion in 'Fallout Series' started by Caradhras, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. Caradhras

    Caradhras I may be bad... but I feel gooood! Veteran

    Aug 13, 2004
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    DarNified UI F3
    -This mod makes Fallout 3 UI look as it should have looked in the first place for the PC version (smaller, better, cleaner).

    Talking UI
    -This mod adds a pleasant female voice that will comment on your character's current situation. It is not irritating and you can choose which file to include and which to discard (all you need is archive invalidation).

    Close to Fallout Menu Screens
    -If you're bored by the regular loading screens this mod will replace them with good old Fallout pictures.

    Remove that Glove
    -This mod allows you to "unequip" the glove on your left hand (the one with the pipboy) so you can have a left hand glove that matches the other hand.

    Smaller Pipboy
    -This points out a line in your ini file (fPipboy1stPersonFOV) that can be edited to make the pipboy smaller or larger. Simple and effective. I've actually edited this line so the pipboy looks bigger in my game.



    These mods replace some game textures with different or better ones.

    IMPORTANT: you'll need the ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated mod to save some major headache when putting new textures in the game.

    Color Hi-Detailed Map and Icons
    -This mod replaces the map with a much better version that shows more details and includes coloured icons for locations.

    Whats Your Brand - cigarette texture megapack
    -a replacement for cigarettes packs in game, you can choose between several actual brands.

    Better Booze
    -original detailed real world brands and even classic Fallout brands to pick from.

    Coffee Mugs

    -minor change but I like it, unobtrusive and fun.

    3 Flavors of American Prewar Money
    -Show me the money! Makes it look so much better and easier to spot.

    Cats Paw
    -prewar books are replaced by classic Fallout magazines which are more convenient to spot in cluttered or dark places.

    Brurpo Alluring Body Enhancement -BABE-

    -naked female bodies, great if the neatly pressed underwear thing is immersion breaking.

    Roberts Male Body for Fallout 3
    -the same for males (there is an issue with some outfits and it doesn't look as good as the mod above).

    -perfect for variety and high quality textures (you don't have to use all the textures it's possible to extract the ones you like to replace regular eyes with much better looking ones).

    Deathclaws from fallout 2 V2 Realistic
    -changes the colour of these beasts so they don't look so white and more like they were in the original.

    Classic Super Mutant color
    -classic super mutant look, subtle but really makes a different for Fallout veterans.

    Pipboy Family Picture
    -modifies the pipboy to show the only known picture of the Vault Dweller with Dad.

    Protectron Robotic Butlers
    -Changes Godsfrey and Wadsworth to give them the Protectron model instead (it also eliminates the annoying buzz of the Mr Handy model) alternate files including Robobrain model.

    Inherit the Earth Custom Talon Armor

    -I've added some grafs to the Talon Armor to make it look cooler.



    VTAP PipBoy Radio MP3 Player

    -allows you to listen to your own MP3s in the game (you can put between 25 and 100 tracks).

    Lookout Radio
    -a radio that works with the Lookout DLC and doesn't show up in DC. It mostly features country music and suits the Lookout setting very nicely.

    Tenpenny Tower Muzak Replacer

    -replaces the infamous Tenpenny lobby music with a nice song that isn't irritating when you visit this area again and again.

    No Bad Karma Noise
    -better immersion quality.

    XP Sound Remover
    -couldn't find the link for that one, easy to fix just edit the ui_popup_experienceup file in the following directory: sound/fx/ui/popup that should be enough to get rid of the cash register sound.



    Hulk sized Supermutants
    -Changes the skeleton to make Supermutants look bulkier and stronger.

    Desert Theme
    -This mod changes the Wasteland into a desert.

    Ashara's Batman Suit and Batarangs
    -This mod brings back the Caped Crusader to the wasteland. It adds a Batman suit complete with the mask and batarangs so that you'll be able to dress up as your favourite masked vigilante and fight crime... I mean raiders.

    Wolverine Perk Mod with Claws and Costume
    -It does what it says and except a minor typo it's definitely the best at what it does. Certainly overpowered but incredibly fun to play.

    Classic Wolverine Suit
    -Three different versions of Wolverine's costume with claws (don't work in first person but great in 3rd person) works really well with the Wolverine Perk mod.

    Hellboy Playable Race and Companion
    -Hellboy has nothing to do with Fallout but that mod looks fantastic.

    Ghouls Lightsaber Mod

    -Lightsabers are completely out of place but this can be fun for any Kotor fans.

    Arm Mounted Weapons
    -a strange weapon but it's perfect if you want a high tech weapon that really looks good.

    Wasteland Mammoth
    -a weird idea which is still in progress but which is very promising, I've included in the list so you could check the screenshots. It is amazing, it works but the sounds are not perfect yet.

    The Chryslus Bar and Grill
    -I didn't know in which category to put this. It's not the cafe of broken dreams for fallout 3 but according to the mod author it's "based on high-end gentlemen's clubs from the late 1980's" so if you're looking for a GTA style break from the hostile wasteland it just may do the trick. It's very well made, quite funny at times and not vulgar (although it does feature some nudity which only makes sense since it's a strip club). It also includes a shop with many outfits for female characters.

    Captain Cosmos Outfit
    -My first mod for Fallout 3, I've decided to finally fix it and to include in the list. The texture is a bit sloppy (the alternate texture probably looks better) but you may be interested by the Clear Helmets for Radsuits component.

    Cyber Arm Vault Suit
    -A really cool suit, perfect if you want to play a cyborg.

    Hover Chair
    -weird but incredibly funny. IMo that's the best vehicle mod. FOSE required.



    Bobbleheads Begone
    -ever wanted to get rid of those silly blue things, don't get me wrong, I like smurfs like the next guy but those bobbleheads were really starting to get on my nerves.

    No Fast Travel
    -If you want to disable it so you can't fast travel even by hitting the wrong key.

    -makes the pipboy hand match the other (the only drawback is that it looks slightly bigger but you may think that is a little tradeoff for what the mod does).

    NPC Height Randomizer
    -cloning accidents happen but truth be told this mod makes the game more immersive (just be sure to pick the less variance option for subtle effects).

    Essential Followers and Caravans v16
    -makes it so that these guys can't be killed.

    Essential Walter

    -Walter won't fall to his death anymore and if he does he will get back to work.

    -When idle the PC will use animations matching the items in his or her inventory (smoking, drinking, fiddling with the pipboy) just like any NPC.

    Named - Wasteland
    -gives names to generic characters in the Wasteland.

    Moriartys Key Restored
    -restores a minor item that Jericho would mention if you bought him a drink.



    Destruction V6
    -A realistic destroyable environment mod which does that quite nicely. When you'll shoot at things you'll break them and some will even explode.

    Fallout 3 Reanimated
    -This mod changes many of the third person weapon animations so that the game will look different. The mod is not finished but it works and certainly adds a certain coolness to the game.

    Project Beauty
    -This mod changes the appearance of numerous NPCs (379 according to the readme). It was first aimed at making female NPCs more beautiful (hence the name) but it now caters for both males and females. It's not just a beautification mod either since it changes Talon mercs and Raiders to make them look more dangerous and fierce. Check the screenshots and you'll see how most NPCs have been improved. There are regular updates for this project.

    Realistic Sneak Mode
    -Simply gets rid of the silly sneak caption (HIDDEN, DETECTED, CAUTION and DANGER). It doesn't look like much but it makes quite a difference.

    Reneers Invisible Karma Mod
    -This mod removes the annoying sounds and messages when you gain or lose karma. It clearly improves immersion. There is only one problem it doesn't eliminate the frame that is needed for other messages but it's still a major improvement considering how annoying these messages are.

    NPCs sleep tighter
    -A simple mod that makes sneaking around sleeping NPCs more effective. A must have with Mr Sandman. No more light sleepers!

    Hacking terminals is easier
    -this mod simply removes a number of options from the list when trying to break a code. There are different versions including one with only one remaining password. It might feel a bit like cheating but if the minigame bores you that will save some time for the same result (let's face it, hacking is only a matter of time). Furthermore that mod doesn't make the science skill useless as it doesn't change the skill level required.

    Better Stimpacks
    -stimpacks now take time to heal your character making Fast Metabolism a more interesting perk and taking stimpacks in combat more challenging (you don't heal instantly so timing and cover are more important). There is an issue with this mod so I'd suggest using a cleaner version Delayed Stimpaks.

    Slow Food Digestion
    -modifies food the way stimpacks were modified in the mod mentioned above.

    Amplified Crippled Effects
    -this mod makes crippling foes useful.

    Super Jump
    -I've tried the 1.5 version, it makes jumping useful but doesn't break it. A nice addition.

    Increased Holstered Speed
    -A very useful mod, especially if you don't use Fast Travel. It only affects a character's speed when no weapon is drawn.

    Marts Mutant Mod
    -A very big and popular mod, it adds many components which you can choose to add or not. some components will make the wasteland a much more dangerous place. This mod also adds a lot of variety to the wastes as many new creatures and variants are included.

    Stalker Mutants Add on for Marts Mutant Mod
    -This mods adds even more variety to the already impressive number of different creatures in Marts Mutant Mod. It may not be lore friendly as all these creatures are from Stalker but when you've played the game long enough you'll appreciate all the variety you can get.

    MMMF3 Increased Spawns
    -This mod increases the number of spawns (up to 5 times!) and makes the game much more fun (and difficult). Several versions exist. I'd recommend using a mod that allows for extra followers to make up for the difficulty (and the extra XP -followers will slow your progression because you don't get XP for their "kills" but that won't be a problem with that mod). Great if you miss large battles and want an epic feel (try facing 20 raiders at once).

    Oh Followers Hire
    -Allows to skip the Followers limit check so you can have more than one follower. There are different versions, one skips Karma checks and another uses CH to determine the max number of followers. Using this mod will make the game very easy (and crowded) so I highly recommend using the mod above so that the game can be both fun and challenging.

    -Allows you to use the houses that are left vacant after the demise of their rightful owners so you can finally sleep in their beds.

    -a little mod I've made that will allow you to socialize with raiders and mingle with Enclave grunts if you're dressed properly (I've updated the mod and now there is an option to infiltrate the Talon company).

    NPC Tracker Hat
    -I didn't list this in the item category because it's more of a gameplay change, it will add a hat to your inventory that you can wear to get the location of a given NPC (followers, caravan merchants but also residents of the Wasteland).

    -Ever wanted to roam the wasteland in the dark? Truth be told I don't care much for it as I like being able to "see" at night but that might be the mod you've been looking for. It's still a beta but The Magister strongly recommends it. So follow his advice and use DarkerNights and be sure to take Nightvision goggles with you.

    The Outbreaks Wasteland Moods
    -A mod that radically changes the atmosphere of the game, it is highly recommended by The Magister (especially the Silent Hell version). It makes more sense to use this rather than any of the mods that turn the wasteland into a green amusement park. That being said The Magister states that it can get pretty dark at night.

    The Big the Bad and the Ugly -Floaters and Wanamingos are back
    -a mod that will bring back floaters and wanamingos in the game.

    Unlimited Death Reload Time
    -this little mod prevents the game from automatically reloading when your character kicks the bucket. Nice if you're into exploding Lone Wanderers (who isn't?) plus it can be quite funny at times (take my word for it).

    -a mod that reduces the XP you gain so you won't level too fast (especially when using increased spawns and mods that add content to the game).

    Thermal Vision
    -Three different modes. It's very cool. It works best with FOSE.



    Ahztek's Weapons Overhaul and Ahzteks DLC Overhaul
    -A weapon replacer mod that focuses on guns, you won't find many energy weapons anymore but if you like good models and find the original game lacking in that area you'll be more than satisfied by what this mod offers. It uses real world weapons and even adds axes to the game. NPCs will use these weapons so you're not the only one with good guns anymore.

    Classic Fallout Weapons BETA

    -Puts back classic Fallout weapons (1 and 2) into the game. NPCs get them too. It's still beta but it works fine and updating shouldn't be a big issue.

    -Introduces a new schematic for a custom weapon that really looks like the kind of weapon that a crazed scavenger would put together. It looks really cool and it's a welcome addition to the savage post apocalyptic wasteland.

    Raider Power Armor
    -weird idea but amazingly good looking armour. Only drawback is that it is overpowered so get ready to edit it with the GECK if you want to balance it.

    A Tribal T51b Helmet
    -a perfect fit for the Raider Power Armor, it is based on a Fallout 2 loading screen. Enough said.

    ST - 50A Power helm and Retextured Helm
    -adds a different power helmet to the game (it will replace some power helmets in game). No stats are changed. The armour has not been released yet.

    Radioactive Suit
    -Adds a very campy and very well done suit to the game.

    Alexscorpions Sniper Gear

    -a great weapon mod but overpowered... The scope and textures are great and I love the reload sound.

    Targeter or Colossus Headgear
    -awesome looking eyewear and headgear.

    Nightvision Goggles - Powered

    -nightvision parameters (brightness and energy) can be modified at the start of a new game.

    -wearable and available for both eyes, perfect fit if you've been looking for that badass Snake Plissken look: it's escape from DC!

    Kikais Equipment
    -adds a shop with three vendors not far from Megaton. Basically it allows you to find custom items to get the look you've always wanted for your character (eyepatches, wigs, blindfolds, cigars, necklaces, piercings, etc). There are also some nice (not overpowered) custom weapons. Being a big fan of Cobra Space Adventure I must confess I downloaded this mod for the wearable cigar.

    Vitor SBR
    -a really cool looking gun with good but not overpowered stats. There is only one drawback and that is the pipboy custom icon which is just awful. It can easily be fixed with the Geck though.

    Armored Environmental Suit
    -the modest contribution of yours truly, apart from the armour some custom items are included (EMP blaster, stealth field generator).

    -adds a gun from Ghost in the Shell. The textures and the mesh are awesome and it makes for a great looking hi-tech weapon (the barrel is a little short so the version with the silencer suits the hand grip better; the mod author didn't intend the scope to be usable -these features can be edited in the Geck).

    Deep Eyes Armor
    -A very nice looking armour based on the Final Fantasy movie Spirits Within. It looks fantastic and it was made from scratch. It has no dismemberment yet but that is no problem if you use it for your character.

    Road Warrior Armor
    -One of the best (if not the best) looking armour around. A must have if you're into the whole Mad Max look alike thing. Check it out, you don't want to miss it. With this armour the Lone Wanderer can live up to his predecessor the Road Warrior!

    Diving Suit
    -A weird piece of equipment that blends in the Fallout retro look. The underwater script that is used actually works so it's worth considering if you want to explore the deeps of the Potomac.

    Raider Leather Armor
    -A really nice suit of armour perfect for a follower, the helmet is incredibly cool.

    Road Warrior Classic Leather Armor
    -Looks exactly like the one Mad Max wears. Awesome.

    LR300 Arpeggiator with functional underbarrel launcher
    -A really nice gun which can be used in different modes. Effective but not overpowered.

    Armored Environmental Suit
    -A suit that I've put together a while back but didn't include before, it's ok but it's certainly not as good as what better modders than me have done.



    Bittercup Companion
    -Changes Bittercup so that you can convince her to accompany you in your travels. The mod uses soundsets from the game so it is fully voiced and doesn't break immersion.

    Slave Raider Companion
    -Adds a new companion to the game and she is fully voiced (and has quite a mouth). The mod uses regular Female Raider soundfiles so it doesn't break immersion.

    Gary Companion
    -Adds up to 5 companions all named Gary (if you don't get the reference keep playing, you'll download this mod later). It's from the same author who made the Bittercup Companion mod and the Slave Raider Companion mod.

    Outcast Companion
    -Truth be told I haven't been able to recruit this companion yet but since it's from the same author who made the three mods listed above it's a pretty safe bet.



    Return to Shady Sands
    -introduces a new settlement south of Oasis where you can meet NPCs who (at least most of them) use sound files from Fallout 1 (that is sweet). If you've played Fallout 1 (and 2) you will recognize a few things. It is funny, has some nice fights and is almost bug free (which given the scope of the mod is quite a feat).

    Megaton Contracts
    -Adds a few quests in Megaton. A nice diversion.

    Potomac Home
    -Adds a Raider hideout on the Potomac. Unobtrusive so you probably won't notice it wasn't here before.

    Fort Freeway
    -The attention to details is simply remarkable. It could do with some NPCs as it feels a bit abandonned.

    Rivet City Underworks
    -Adds a Dungeon with several entrances near Rivet City. It doesn't clash with the game and it is really well done.

    Prisoners of the Underworld
    -A small modification of the Underworld that adds a few NPCs. Short but gives you the opportunity to get into a little fight and save some captives.

    Shanty's Crypt
    -Small location but nicely done and original.

    Eulogy V2
    -V2 has a compatibility issue with Destruction V6 but V1 doesn't. If you use Destruction V6 then use V1.



    The GECK

    -Don't forget to check the Geck wiki and video tutorials.

    Fallout mod manager

    -the best way to disable or enable mods or change the loading order.

    -a great tool to check compatibility issues between your mods.

    FO3 Archive Utility
    -What you need to extract BSA files so you can mod at leisure.



    Games for Windows LIVE Disabler
    -Not a modding tool but a very useful thing nonetheless if you want to disable LIVE while being able to turn it back on.

    Achievement Remover
    -It should be loaded last and is particularly interesting if you use the DLCs (it includes a fix for the T51b Power Armor in OA that broke a quest).

    XBOX 360 controller Tips
    -If you're using the XBOX 360 controller for PC you may want to change the settings, this file is invaluable.

    Console Key Binder
    -If you can't open the console.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  2. Sir Belisarius

    Sir Belisarius Viconia's Boy Toy Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 7, 2000
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    Very cool! I like the more realistic bodies!!
  3. Caradhras

    Caradhras I may be bad... but I feel gooood! Veteran

    Aug 13, 2004
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    I've updated the list with a few more mods (including some of my own contributions).

    Regarding better bodies, the female version is really much better, there is an issue with the male mod and certain outfit that makes it look rather weird (the tone won't really match between the body and the face). Still if you can't bear the underwear issue it's the only solution I know of (at least until somebody who is really gifted with texturing can do something about it).
  4. Taluntain

    Taluntain Resident Alpha and Omega Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jun 11, 2000
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  5. Caradhras

    Caradhras I may be bad... but I feel gooood! Veteran

    Aug 13, 2004
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    Cool! Sticky, nice! :)

    I've noticed a "minor" issue with the Better Stimpaks mod... The price is set to 0. It can be fixed with the GECK by setting the price back to 25 (in the "potion value" box).
  6. The Magister Gems: 26/31
    Latest gem: Diamond

    Oct 17, 2006
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    Thank you thank you thank you! :)
    Fallout 3 was getting SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO boring.
  7. Caradhras

    Caradhras I may be bad... but I feel gooood! Veteran

    Aug 13, 2004
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    You're welcome, I'm just happy to list my favourite mods. If something doesn't work PM me.

    If you're bored take a break or start modding (it worked for me). There are many tutorials on using the Geck and although it takes some getting used to you can make many modifications that will change your Fallout 3 experience.

    I'm currently testing the Hi-Res packs to see how it affects the performance of my PC, I'll update this thread once I'm done.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2009
  8. Caradhras

    Caradhras I may be bad... but I feel gooood! Veteran

    Aug 13, 2004
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    Updated the list.

    I've tested the Hi-Res packs and I'm not convinced. I run Fallout 3 on ultra settings and it looked even better with the packs but I started experimenting crashes because of it so I decided not to use them (except for Armours and Weapons Hi-Res textures). I guess 2 gigabytes was too much for my textures folder.

    Anyway I'm off to try a few other mods and I'll update this thread in the next few days.
  9. The Magister Gems: 26/31
    Latest gem: Diamond

    Oct 17, 2006
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    As a point of interest the Classic Fallout Weapons BETA mod has some interesting effects on the Outcasts, namely most of them have melee weapons, or none at all. However this seems like a small price to pay for the Pulse Rifle (almost a 1 hit kill on all robots :))
  10. Caradhras

    Caradhras I may be bad... but I feel gooood! Veteran

    Aug 13, 2004
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    That's weird. I've been playing with this mod for a long time now and it never messed up this faction's weapon list.

    Are you using the GECK? You can use it to check what a mod changes (there is a * next to the files that are modified).
  11. The Magister Gems: 26/31
    Latest gem: Diamond

    Oct 17, 2006
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    I'm not really complaining that much, as the changes are barely noticeable (and in some cases more realistic) however the occasional glitch crops up.
  12. Caradhras

    Caradhras I may be bad... but I feel gooood! Veteran

    Aug 13, 2004
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    I've updated the list (items, locations and the weird category). There is a mod out there that introduces mammoths to the wasteland... Great stuff! I don't know what will come next I'm secretly rooting for a T-rex mod. The wasteland is getting even more dangerous in the near future since wanamingos are on their way (the mod is not finished but that one looks like a very nice addition).

    This can be helped by checking for incompatibilities and fixing your load order (esm files first in the list with Fallout3 at the top then esp files the one at the bottom overwrite the ones before them).

    Still when you start dabbling with mods you're bound to run into bugs and glitches, that's the price for a better game experience. I've tested all the mods I've included in the list and I play with all of them (and a few modifications of my own) so far I haven't had many bugs (I had a funny texture glitch once but I was testing some Hi-res mods at the time and I've had a problem with the robot in Rivet City turning hostile after I've killed the robot butler in the Megaton house -although tbh I don't even know if this was caused by a mod).

    When disabling or enabling a mod (especially big ones) make sure your character is in a "safe" place i.e. a location which won't be directly modified by the mod you're adding, this will avoid eventual CTDs.

    EDIT: list updated with a mod that I had overlooked and that is so good I had to put it first in the list. Check it out, you won't regret it.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2009
  13. The Magister Gems: 26/31
    Latest gem: Diamond

    Oct 17, 2006
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  14. Caradhras

    Caradhras I may be bad... but I feel gooood! Veteran

    Aug 13, 2004
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    I've read the comments and I'm not sure about this mod though, it is said not to work in DC ruins and it does look a bit extreme...

    I will test it but if doesn't work in the DC ruins I'd consider this to be a major drawback.

    I'm sifting through a lot of mods here so thanks for the tip Magister as I'm certain I've missed some real gems along the way. ;)
  15. The Magister Gems: 26/31
    Latest gem: Diamond

    Oct 17, 2006
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    I should mention that the mod DOES work for most part in the CD ruins, however you should not use it unless you either have:

    A) A desire for realism
    B)This or something similar to it.

    I also recomend you do NOT used the "DarkerNights" version of the mod as that IS extreme darkness. As in, you can not see your hand in front of your face.
  16. Caradhras

    Caradhras I may be bad... but I feel gooood! Veteran

    Aug 13, 2004
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    I've included it in the list. I'm not really fond of this as I like being able to see what is going on around my character. Plus I do believe that Megaton looks really good as it is at night. So I guess it's a good thing you've posted about that mod because I wouldn't even have tried it. ;)

    As far as realism is concerned I'm not convinced by this argument because there are just too many things that don't make sense in the game if you stop to take into account realism... I'd rather talk about "willing suspension of disbelief" to quote Coleridge's words as it is more apt to express what is required of someone playing that game. Let it be said that my ability to suspend my disbelief is put under a lot of pressure when I happen to see the weird physics at work in this game. :D

    I'm currently testing a few new armours, there are some very promising mods in the making.

    EDIT: updated the list with a reference to the Deep Eyes Armour, it's funny that some people keep complaining about some (minor) issues when the author of the mod has made so many improvements since his last armour (which I didn't include because it didn't look too good in game although I have to acknowledge that to make an armour from scratch is quite a feat). Constructive criticism is certainly a good thing but there are ways to state certain things (especially when the ones criticizing the mod haven't uploaded anything at all). I've tested it and it looks good, there may be room for improvement but it is certainly playable and enjoyable as it is.

    EDIT2: been busy putting together an esp and testing it so the fantastic models for the floaters and wanamingos would be spawned in the game.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2009
  17. The Magister Gems: 26/31
    Latest gem: Diamond

    Oct 17, 2006
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    A mod that changes the environmental setting to reflect a "mood". I like the silent hill personally, however that one should really only be used in daytime as night is almost as bad, if not worse then Darker Nights.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  18. Caradhras

    Caradhras I may be bad... but I feel gooood! Veteran

    Aug 13, 2004
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    [​IMG] Thanks for the link Magister. I took a break from gaming and modding but now I'm back (playing the game as I don't feel like modding anymore which is a shame since I didn't complete my last mod). The Moods mod seems like an interesting addition and I will check it out.

    I've started a new game with the latest patch, in fact I have played 20 hours with it and so far it seems perfect. Almost perfect since from what I'm lead to understand from the official forum it seems that on a few occasions the Broken Steel DLC (BS for the brotherhood initiates) spawns uber foes at lower levels (Behemoths and Enclave patrols at level 4 for instance which can be a nice challenge on very hard with the Increased Spawns mod -since the game is certainly too easy I really welcome this bug).

    Mentioning bugs, it's pretty obvious that the more mods you use the more likely it is that you will run into trouble... I used to run all the mods listed above but now I only have 40 mods running and the game runs pretty smoothly.

    Anyway, I have updated the list with two more mods (only two this time) i.e. the talking UI and the unlimited death reload mod. There are certainly some major mods that I have missed during my break from the game so feel free to post more links.

    I'm really excited about the motorcycle mod and I remember seeing a Chimera mod that worked with the Fallout script extender. I guess I'll have to make FOSE work some day.

    Last but not least, I've only partially tested the Stalker mod as I'm more of a Classic Weapons user myself but it seems like it would be an interesting alternative.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention the Enhanced Weather mod. If you have tried this mod I'd be interested in your comments as well.

    Added two more entries to the list, the Fallout menu screens and the realistic sneak mode. I can't stress how good the realistic sneak mode is.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  19. Caradhras

    Caradhras I may be bad... but I feel gooood! Veteran

    Aug 13, 2004
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    List updated. Don't miss the Road Warrior Armor and Project Beauty. :hippy:
  20. Caradhras

    Caradhras I may be bad... but I feel gooood! Veteran

    Aug 13, 2004
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    List updated with Return to Shady Sands which is a very good quest mod introducing a settlement to the north with several quests and voiced NPCs (mostly with sound files from the original Fallout). I commend the attention to details that permeates the whole mod. Like the .223 Pistol it was obviously made with love and skill. It introduces some nice items which are not overpowered (among other things some nightvision goggles which are quite good). It also has two videos for different endings that play in game once you've completed the mod. Don't miss it!
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