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Neverwinter Nights Models & Skins

This is a collection of various skins and new models the fans have made for the Aurora Neverwinter Nights Model Viewer. The Aurora Neverwinter Nights Model Viewer is a stripped down version of a tool used internally at BioWare to view game models and tiles. The model viewer can be used as an early compatibility test. If you can run the viewer and view the models (and their animations) then you probably can run Neverwinter Nights.

All animations released by BioWare that are not part of the original Model Viewer package are also listed here.

Official Bioware Models & Animations

Flesh Golem
Boar and Wild Boar
Air Elemental
Fire Elemental
Iron Golem (SP Exclusive)
Helm Horror
Intellect Devourer
Doom Knight
Troll (SP Exclusive)
Umber Hulk

Spell Effect #1
Spell Effect #2
Spell Effect #3
Spell Effect #4
Spell Effect #5
Spell Effect #6
Spell Effect #7
Spell Effect #8
Spell Effect #9
Spell Effect #10

Fan-made Monsters:

Black Widow by ?
Dire Deer by ?
Beast of Malar by ILmaTeR
Giant Black Widow by Steve_Jobs
Doe by Steve_Jobs
White Tiger by Steve_Jobs
Centaur by Inselaffe
Lich by Inselaffe & Colorsmith
Bugbear Priest by Merle
Bugbear in Bronze Armour by Merle
Mind Flayer by Polyhedral
Drow by Colorsmith & Inselaffe
Mummy by Colorsmith
Mummy by Dhoom
Bugbear by Dhoom
Dhoom Cat by Dhoom
Dhoom Spider by Dhoom
Dhoom Spider #2 by Dhoom
Gelatinous Cube by Dhoom
Fire Cat by Enthas
New Drow by Gridghost
Skeleton Knight by Gridghost
Killer Door by Kinarr Greycloak
White Lion by Ninth Letter
Undead Bugbear by Sieth
Elementals by Colorsmith
Skeleton Warrior by Gridghost
Sahuagin by Heed
Demon Fairy by Ninth Letter

Fan-made (N)PCs:

Warrior by Whalebones
Monk by Colorsmith
Knight by Gridghost
Dual Ranger by Gridghost
Fighter by ?
Zulu Warrior by Colorsmith
Dual Warrior by Gridghost
Axe Warrior by Gridghost
Fist Fighter by Gridghost
Pirate by Kinarr Greycloak
Sorceress by Kinarr Greycloak
Druid with Tiger by Kinarr Greycloak
Human vs. Bugbear Battle by Kinarr Greycloak
Sorcerer's Place is a project run entirely by fans and for fans. Maintaining Sorcerer's Place and a stable environment for all our hosted sites requires a substantial amount of our time and funds on a regular basis, so please consider supporting us to keep the site up & running smoothly. Thank you!

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