Icewind Dale

Icewind Dale Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Items List | About
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Dragon's Eye: Outside | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5

Dragon's Eye

The cold reaches of the Spine of the World house many hidden wonders that only a few scattered people know about, recorded in memories from forgotten tales now only found in the most old and ancient books. Dragon's Eye is one of these places, secluded and nestled deep within the very Spine, its access gained by 3 days of travel to its maw toothed mouth opening that juts out, ready to bite those who venture inside.

You have been sent here to find the source of those who attacked the priests and Verbeegs at the Temple of the Forgotten God from Chapter 1 and your findings will surprise you as you venture into the darkness of the passages beyond. With each step you take, you will realize just how low you are to the chain of command that has plagued Kuldahar and the regions near by and Dragon's Eye will introduce you to new threats which are just on the horizon.

For the adventurer like yourself, Dragon's Eye is a true stepping stone to the higher levels of 10th and more as you will gain lots of experience and fight many beasts as you dig deeper and deeper into the missing Heartstone Gem quest. Do know that the deeper you go, the harder it will become but I'll take you through it step by step and make it easier on yourself and your party of brave warriors.

Outside Dragon's Eye

Outside Dragon's EyeThe chill and bite of the blowing wind at such high altitudes will cause you more harm than the Ice Trolls who are roaming outside looking for food around the entrance and they will be no match for your party as you cut them down one by one. Before entering Dragon's Eye, you may want to organize your party order so your strongest characters are at the front lines because this will help speed things up as you continue forward. When you're ready, make your way up the snow covered trail and enter Dragon's Eye.

Quests in Dragon's Eye

The journey to Dragon's Eye was to help Arundel locate and return the Heartstone Gem, at least he hopes it is in the Dragon's Eye where you were sent after finding traces of poison the the Alurite Priest in the Temple of the Forgotten God. Besides this, there are other quests that get completed while in Dragon's Eye and many questions answered from those first introduced in Kuldahar. They are:

ARUNDEL'S QUEST [Heartstone Gem]

This is found and located on Yxunomei who resides on the very bottom level of Dragon's Eye and will take some muscle, wit and patience to retrieve it from her as she is a very tough adversary to over come. The quest for the Heartstone Gem ends when you return to Kuldahar and speak with Arundel.


If you recall from Kuldahar, Sister Calliana spoke of Mother Egenia who had gone missing some time ago. It is in Dragon's Eye on level 2 that you will find her being held against her will by Talonite Priests. Find her, free her and she will tell you how she was captured. Return to Kuldahar and speak with Sister Calliana and tell her what you've learned.

As stated in Chapter 1, this quest is a dead end and even though you saved the Revered Mother Egenia, Sister Calliana will not acknowledge the fact and still think she's missing. This is a bug with the game.

LOST VILLAGERS [mini-quest]

Everyone in Kuldahar was talking about how children and those who lived in the village have gone missing over a period of time and no one is really sure what has become of them or where they could be. These villagers can be found in Dragon's Eye on levels 2 and level 3, being held captive for sacrifices as well as food for the foul beasts found within. Free the villagers and spread the word in Kuldahar of your heroic deeds.
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