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Retsnimle, the soloing Wizard Slayer's Saga

Discussion in 'Creativity Surge' started by Nobleman, Jun 4, 2001.

  1. Nobleman Gems: 27/31
    Latest gem: Emerald

    May 8, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Background to this story: http://www.sorcerers.net/ubb/Forum2/HTML/002665.html

    This is the saga of How a solo-wizard slayer gets by

    Retsnimle (OUR HERO)
    Chaotic Neutral
    Half-orc, Wizard slayer
    Strenght 19
    dexterity 18
    Constitution 19
    intelligence 4
    wisdom 17
    charima 3
    MAX HP!! He wont survive that long anyway. I am just prosponing the enevitable. His death

    Voice: grunter (from Ice went pale]
    portraint: Half-Orc from BG2's own portraits

    Axe: **
    two handed Weapon ***
    long bow *

    Chapter 1. The awakening
    Retsnimel Was Born. Mist and darkness were his first friends in life. He remembers nothing. He grunts and looks at the strange little thing talking to him. He understands her but feels nothing for her. He doesn't like speaking the common tounge so he brushes her of in a rude grunt. me wont take no crap from Nobody

    Leaving People Caged

    Strong-willed he walks determined towards the sound of battle. Leaving two caged figures dissapear in the shadows behind him.. He doesn't Yet know what adventures lie ahead... He isn't afraid.. Yet. But he will be. He will be.
    He moves past two corpses. He ignores them and thinks of Sunlight. must have sunligh he grunts as he unarmed turns the first corner

    The first blood

    A painful scream meets him as if a gigantic bat cried out in horror.A strange creature with sharp and white teeth corners him up. It attacks.

    Anger fills Retsnimle's mind. He stikes att the creature and its falls to the ground. still breeding. Suddenly a lightning crashes across the room. Retsnimble looks confused at another of these dreadfull beasts approach. He attacks it. But the creature launches a lightning and Hurts retsnimle.

    A second later he is attacked from behind. The one he punched down has come to life.
    Retsnimle flees in panic back to the cages. he sees a door and tries to run in and close before the monster catch him again with their sharp teeth. But to late they followed him. At his joy he sees weapons at a table. His eyes stops at a singlehanded weapon. me remembers. me used to chop trees with that. He grabs it and slays one in a single blow. The other in two.

    Getting Armed for Battles

    He is filled with blood already. He tends his wounds. Not critical... He searches a chest and finds a chain mail. He tries it on, but it is too small. He then sees a leather armor. That is mine. That is mine. He press a helmet down on his head. And wanders back to the room in less pain. me wants another axe he grunts. Forgetting about the sunlight.

    [This message has been edited by Nobleman (edited June 05, 2001).]
  2. Slappy Gems: 19/31
    Latest gem: Aquamarine

    Feb 27, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Hey great to see you back Nobleman. I thought from your last post in the 'Addictions' topic that you were off to pastures new. I guess the addiction was "more powerful than you can possibly imagine" ;)

    PS checking over your stats - watch out for flayers with that low inteligence you'd better get a multishot ranged weapon to deal with them. Also, I'm impressed by your will power in leaving the others behind. I know it's in character but I just couldn't leave them even when I ran party mixes that I knew had no place for them. I also hadn't thought about what happens to Imoen if you leave her. How does the cowled wizards quest get going?

    [This message has been edited by Slappy (edited June 04, 2001).]
  3. Nobleman Gems: 27/31
    Latest gem: Emerald

    May 8, 2001
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    Good to see You too. If it wasn't for Avooch "mission Impossible" project I wouldn't be here. Hehe. Right... ;)
    Mindflayers? Retsnimle burns that bridge when he comes to it.
    He isn't at all out of the dungeon..
  4. Nobleman Gems: 27/31
    Latest gem: Emerald

    May 8, 2001
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    Chapter 2
    Death of Machinery.

    Back in the room he realize that the monsters come from a machine in the middle. He starts to chop at it in fury but it doesn't work. He sees another machine and chops at that. A sound of a choking engine fills the room. Retsnimle continues.

    Bad Genie. Bad Genie

    He enters a strange crystal room. He forgets about battling and wounds. As he admires the constructions in his simple mind an excotic figure pops up from nothing. Irritated and confused he talks the talk the creature wants. As reward a Giant evil is summoned before him. Retsnimle slay it. The figure appears again. Retsnimle tries to slay it for summoning things in his head. But it just talks and dissapears.

    The books that forged his mind

    Many battles follow. Retsnimle learns to lure enemies one at a time. To minimize his wounds. In a big study room he eventually gets too hurt to continue.

    He collects a big stash of books and returns to the cage room. It has become his home. And he feels safe with the big golem watching over him as he tries to find clues from his past in the books. He read and rest for three days, Living of the remains of goblins he has slain. He read many books as he rested for 3 days. Pictures of Wars and battles. And countries far away. They forged his memory.

    Retsnimble came to the understanding that he was an orc. He looked much like the orc draw on the pictures in the many books. Many a time the orcs slaughtered each other but were also slaughtered by the other races. A second thing he noticed was pictures of wizards and spellcasters and somehow he felt a hatred for them. Even more confused than before He went of from his camp. Again looking for sunlight. Me wants sunlight he grunted.

    [This message has been edited by Nobleman (edited June 05, 2001).]
  5. Nobleman Gems: 27/31
    Latest gem: Emerald

    May 8, 2001
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    The Hunt for Dwarves

    The thoughts roamed in his head. All the slaughtering of Orcs. me no bad. I revenge. At the same time he heard cheering voices. talking evil stuff Retsnimle found his bow and shot at one. You hayte Orcs. Yeah You hate me A fierce battle began. A battle that lasted long and was hard. Running and hiding. Shooting and twisting and axing and sneaking. The leader was harder than any.
    He wore a strange little shining armor. Retsnimle put it in his backpack as he had drawn the last blood. Me take as memory. But me like the Leather armor he said as he went to a 3 day sleep.

    Golems on the axe
    His rage continued and he slay two golems just to keep his anger at bay. He talked to his friend a golem that had previously called him master .This time a stone activated the golem in some other way. Retsnimle didn't understand, but followed his friend.

    The Beautifull Nymphs
    In a big room dreadfull beast with a giant mouth almost killed him. He managed to crumble his way to some beautifull creatures. They talked and pleeded. As they did so, his rage dissapeared. He could not slay such beauty. He agreed to help them. And bring some corn to a place in the wilderness. more he could not understand.

    DIRECTORS NOTE: Poison is VERY dangerous to a Chaotic Neutral character. Has no cure poison special ability. This will more likely kill our hero soon. But thumbs up

    [This message has been edited by Nobleman (edited June 05, 2001).]
  6. Nobleman Gems: 27/31
    Latest gem: Emerald

    May 8, 2001
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    Chapter 3
    The Horrors of Bats return

    After searching the lair for an exit in many hours. Retsnimle found a secret door. Here he encountered his horror. Those flying creatures from hell. He tried to take them on one on one. But it failed. He almost died in his heroic struggle. He rested and finally accepted to squize into a chainmail. Not the one worn by that evil dwarf.

    He met another genie. He was about to retaliate his hatred that the first one of its kind had spawned in him. But then it mentioned it had something of his. He should find something for the genie, and he would get something in return. Sounded fair to his simple mind.

    It went smoothly.talking to the Nymphs again He learned that he needed a portal key to get out. He found it in a hevily guarded strange room. Wounded from traps he rested again.


    He found the portal. On the other side he was met by an annoying person. Again Retsnimle Brushed a stranger away. Many battles since came. Some of the opponents more talking than others. Retsnimle didn't care he wanted outside now. Having spend 26 days in the dungeon light was a joy. The irritating girl had popped up again. But before any talking could begin, the air was filled with magic. IT all went to fast for Retsnimle to comprehend. He walked away determined to help the beautifull Nymhps. He didn't even wonder about were he was.

    DIRECTORS NOTE:It is hard to see how Restnimle shall survive poison. In close combat he has proven quite usefull though. 26 days in Irenicus' dungeon gives a sign that he needs to get better AC quick. But does Restnimle know that. Not Yet. I didn't expect him to survive this far. He will travel onwards tomorrow. To test if a Wizard slayer can go soloing all the way.

    [This message has been edited by Nobleman (edited June 05, 2001).]
  7. Avooch Dar Guest

    thank you so much Nobleman for taking this chore off my hands.
    I presume that you saw my post and decided to take up the challenge.
    Very 'Noble' of you. I wish you all the best luck as i myself am just about to start my adventure as an Avenger aswel.

    BTW: If you manage to get too chapter 4 i will personaly request for the Queen to knight you!
  8. Mathetais Gems: 28/31
    Latest gem: Star Sapphire

    Apr 5, 2001
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    [​IMG] Voochie - have you caught the intelligence of the fair Restnimle? You may want to ask the Queen to knight the noble Nobleman, but Sir Restnimle??? I think he'd accidentally eat the queen's poodle, thinking it was an appetizer. Poor guy, if he survives through the game, with his limited intelligence he'll only have one career path - day time TV!
  9. Nobleman Gems: 27/31
    Latest gem: Emerald

    May 8, 2001
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    DIRECTORS NOTE: Thanks for the support Avooch. Retsnimle needs it :)
    I dont think Restnimle will really understand what a nighthood means. He doesn't yet now who irenicus and Imoen are.
    All he thinks of is Saving the Nymphs. At the moment. He is a madman by alignment, so who knows what catches his interest?

    Chapter 4
    Gold and Market economics

    Sounds filled Retsnimle's mind. He saw walking creatures everywhere. They looked like those that those ones slaying orcs in his books. He didn't want to be in hee anymore. He wanted to help the Nymphs.He wanted to Get away.

    He walked in a random direction, but was caught by a tempting voice screaming We got all the equipment You need. Come to the adventurer's mart!

    With the dangers he had faced in the dungeon, he knew he had to get better equipment. And he had a lot of stuff in his backpack. Perhaps they could trade. The strange man and him. You trade with me Retsnimle grunted to the little man outside the building. The man got afraid and ordered Retsnimle to go inside.

    Inside He was meet by friendly faces. At last Retsnimle felt peace.
    This me home retsnimle grunted again. No one seemed to take any notice except an armored figure in the corner.

    In the next hours Retsnimle learned a lot about economics. He learned about gold and gems. Enlightened and armed with a magic axe he left the shop. Happy to have spend those round golden things on something usefull. An axe.

    [This message has been edited by Nobleman (edited June 05, 2001).]
  10. Graz73 Gems: 4/31
    Latest gem: Sunstone

    Apr 23, 2001
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    If he's so stupid, maybe he doesn't know yet that he can't use potions? I look forward to seeing how this story progresses. Keep at it! (How many times have you died and had to reload? None? or are you trying to avoid that at all cost?)

    Could you use the ring of regeneration? It could be VERY useful...
  11. Nobleman Gems: 27/31
    Latest gem: Emerald

    May 8, 2001
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    DIRECTORS NOTE: Thanx Graz73. He cant wear any rings :( Too Bad. But If Retsnimle just gets his sleep then things are not so dark afterall. My most important thing is to stay alive. If I have to Reload because of Death, I cannot feel the same joy of playing. And Retsnimle will Rest in Peace together with the solo-project.

    Chapter 4
    Copper Coronet

    Ready to leave and Help the Nymphs Retsnimle was approached by a cloaked figure who claimed that he knew who Retsnimle was.dump man, me dont even know nameRestnimle didn't even know his own name, and tried to get rid of thecloaked man. But he wouldn't release Retsnimble. He kept on with yelling his Coo-ing sounds out in the street. He even somehow forced Retsnimle to follow him to his home. Restnimle couldn't stand the cloaked man. And left at first oppotunity.

    Outside he was told that a girl "Nalia" was in trouble. He talked to the girl in a bar called Copper Coronet. The girl was too agitated for Retsnimle to undertand.So She drew a map for him. Maybe Nymphs there he told the girl. No response.

    Retsnimle was the drawn into a bar fight even though he tried to avoid it at first.
    Then he was conned for 50 gold by Lehtinan. All enough to leave the Copper Coronet and Head for the forrest.He was attacked by evil men on the way out. One of the big guys
    were wearing a beautifull armor. Retsnimle tried it, and it matched.

    DIRECTORS NOTE: Perhaps Retsnimle is lucky that Gaelan is so repulsive. This means that Retsnimle is likely to join Bodhi. He is CN. So good or evil is no concern to Retsnimle. Not Yet anyway.

    I failed to find some logic roleplaying way down to the Slavers. This also means that Retsnimle will have to go pretty unarmed to Nalia's keep. Luckely for Restnimle he was attacked by a group of muggers. One on his own size was wearing a plate mail +1. So in roleplaying it can fit Retsnimle. This means a great improvement in AC.

    Anyway I dont think he'll come back from the Keep, breathing.

    [This message has been edited by Nobleman (edited June 04, 2001).]
  12. Nobleman Gems: 27/31
    Latest gem: Emerald

    May 8, 2001
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    Retsnimle turns back to Adventure's Marts and sell his goods. This time he buys a shield. Shield of Reflection. Perhaps It was Ribald that convinced him to do so. Retsnimle doesn't care. He finds the man nice.

    He takes of for The keep again. But once more he is attacked. This time someone is poisoned and wants to get back to Rylock's place. Restnimle is then being entangled in mysterious intruiges of finding birds and fighting spectral harperps. It all ends up in a mess with Rylock not wanting to have anything to do with Retsnimle group. Retsnimle doesn't understand. He has no group. And why are those strange men unhappy.
    But Restnimle has a new left hand sword giving immunity to hold. He is afraid of this, as some of those horrible bats almost stunned him to death.

    The mighty castle

    Confused he sets out for the Keep. This time he arrives without interruptions. He meets the girl in a camp. The girl talks a lot of nonsense before letting Retsnimle go inside.
    The trolls are frightening in sight. But Retsnimle is outmatching the in close combat. He feels proud as he lowers the maingate to the castle.

    The Nightmares

    Downstairs Retsnimle meets his first hard encounter. A troll keeps punching critical hits and almost kills Restnimle (7 hp left)
    Retsnimle finds a room. And hides and sleeps. He finds a new book in the room. Afraid and hurt he reads about A drow war. Strange creatures.

    In his rest he is encountered by a man. The dream seems awfully real. Retsnimle is afraid of the man. He be death. Come to pick me up .Lots of bad dreams follow. In all of them the bad man talks of powers. Again Retsnimle can't understand

    4 days later Retsnimle returns to battle. Only to be mortally wounded again in his next encounter against a giant Snake and a troll that splits into two. Retsnimle must rest again. With a new grim dream to come. Retsnimle wants away.. But cannot avoid the bad man. His strong will is the only thing that brings him back to his feet 4 days later.

    DIRECTORS NOTE: things are starting to look nasty. Too many battles has been too close. I think Our hero will face death in the basement. He doesn't Yet know that he has yet to meet the real nasties. The Umber Hulks. he has just become 9th level. This means much better saves and a spezialising in bows.A reflection of his Ingame-weapon uses.But can his new saving Throws save him against the Hulks?
    Anyway, His armor still needs to be much better if he wants to survive. Sometime I think he must accept to use a shield

    [This message has been edited by Nobleman (edited June 04, 2001).]
  13. Graz73 Gems: 4/31
    Latest gem: Sunstone

    Apr 23, 2001
    Likes Received:
    I thought he already got a shield from Rybald?

    how does he kill Trolls? fire or acid arrows?
  14. Nobleman Gems: 27/31
    Latest gem: Emerald

    May 8, 2001
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    DIRECTORS NOTE: Hey Yohhh Graz Thanks for the feedback on Soloing with a wizar-slayer :) Retsnimle Was running around with two weapons prior to buying the shield. Personally I think Ribald cheated the poor Half-Orc. Its just that Retsnimle feels like buying something everytime he visits His "friend", His home.
    Anyway. He picked up some arrows of acid and fire around the keep. Before that he just left them to regenerate. Heck! what else could he do :) Now he uses both kind of ammonition.

    Showdown in Downtown.... In bedroom :)

    To Retsnimle's own amuzement he is able to find hidden doors. Alas he found one too many.

    Some beefed up killing machine Garcia yelled I'll wipe Your filthy lineage out of the realms Drank a potion, Mumbled something about his new master being a sorceror, And then hammered on Poor Retsnimle with his sword. RETREAT!! First time ever so outmatched.

    Retsnimle tried to close the doors behind him. Everytime unseccessfull. Untill he realized that if he took a beating Garcia would stand still for a second. Perhaps to salute himself. Retsnimle stopped in a door. Took a beating . Ran again and closed the door.

    He closed the door in the other direction and slept for 3 days. Being caught in the library he found a new book to read in. About the Moonsea. Lots of beautifull pictures again.


    After resting. Retsnimle powered himself with his special abilities that The "bad man" had talked about. He hasted himself from the sword and set out to find garcia. He was just behind door number 1, itching for battle. This time He had no potion of speed and the roles where reversed. Anyway he almost killed retsnimle taking 3/4 of his HP. Garcia's morale eventually broke and Retsnimle had to spend 20 arrows to kill the tough hecker. Stunned at his Armor's efficiency Retsnimle quickly switches his own with this new one. A full Plate. In the remains of this great warrior Retsnimle also find a head to a flail. At this time he already has one flailhead assembled. But he doesn't want to spend time on building stuff. Too complicated.

    DIRECTORS NOTE: Pheeew. Garcia was the worst. I actually thought the solo-project should stop here. This doesn't look good for the Hulk-fight. with all the resting I begin to wonder what the timelimit is in BG2. Retsnimle is already in day 42. He is a moneymachine though. Stashing scrolls and Gems in his containers. I don't know if he does it to please Ribald or himself. Anyways, He is getting closer to the golems I wonder if he takes the Axe +3 "frostband. I don't know Yet what he will do.

    [This message has been edited by Nobleman (edited June 05, 2001).]
  15. Slappy Gems: 19/31
    Latest gem: Aquamarine

    Feb 27, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Wow and I thought it was bad for my non-magic users in the beginning. At least they could use temples and potions to heal themselves (now they are fine with rings of regeration). Can't these wizard slayers use anything? Surely there must be some method of healing them other than sleep (and a good book in your case :)). Anyway I wish you luck - it looks like you'll need it.

    PS I look forward to the day when he becomes Lord of the De'Arnise Manor.
  16. Nobleman Gems: 27/31
    Latest gem: Emerald

    May 8, 2001
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    DIRECTORS NOTE: Hehe he is doomed Slappy :) I could try and find the DragonSlayer (regenerates) but its not really like roleplaying. I don't know why he keeps surviving. It should be bad enough with me roleplaying him, instead of powergaming :) Actually I think he has the longest "not reloaded" run I've ever made. Strange. Well on to the Saga:

    The Temptation

    Retsnimle Came to a big templelike room. Inside were golems of all sorts. None of them would talk. Retsnimle actually missed his Golemfriend. The one that called his master. He really understood Retsnimle more than any.
    Retsnimle entered the room. And found an axe. Mine th's Mine The axe shined like no other he had seen. His moment of happiness was soon over. Two Of the golems had fallen in an attack.

    Retsnimle felt the danger as one of them "gonged" him in the head with a mighty blow. Retsnimle hasted himself with his left-hand sword and attacked with his new axe in his right. The battle was surprisingly quick. Retsnimle then retired to a room and rested a few days.

    The Immortal Clay

    Retsnimle looked in another shelf. A bow? for me? He Pickes it up and finds the gargantic Golem attacking. Retsnimle runs out. The smaller of the Two attacking golems follow. Unable to harm it with his axe. He hastes himself. Pick up his shield and Attacks with his flail (+1 at the time). Not much works he is being hammered down to half his HP. RETREAT! one of Retsnimle's few other tactics. He runs around getting hit from time to time by the eager and deadly monster. Retsnimle runs all the way back into the bedroom where he met Garcia. Here he manages to cage the Golem. He again rest and sets for the temple. The big Golem is Amazingly easier to slay. Retsnimle looks satisfied at the Big Brute as it falls to one of his axe blows.

    The Puzzle of Ages
    Retsnimle Retaliates on the remaining Golems and again show that he is a powerfull foe indeed. He collects the Last flail head. And the new bow.It feels magnificent in his hands. He wanders back and connects the two heads he had in his backpack (one from Garcia). Maybe it is Strong'r Now Retsnimle grunts.

    The basement trolls

    In the basement he learns that his new axe can totally kill trolls. No more switching weapons. The first room he enters is filled with trolls. He carefully takes the trolls one by one, Pleased as everyone of them falls so easy.
    He turns to the next door not knowing what powers of destruction lies ahead.

    DIRECTORS NOTE: a fitting time to turn to sleep in real life. This also means that Retsnimle will live to see another day. Had I known this, he would not have been named as he is. :D With his new axe and his new full plate he is actually turning out somewhat efficient. But in major battles he will fall I think. I have had two possitive experiences that really are worth mentioning: 1st. The Cummulative Spellfailure bonus works on Spellcaster eith stoneskin. After hitting the stoneskin 6-7 times most of their spells fail. cool.
    2nd: I dont now if it is the official patch that I have installed, but My wizard slayer seems to get 2 points of MAgic Resistance at every level. also cool.
  17. Earl Grey

    Earl Grey Mmm... hot tea! Veteran

    Oct 26, 2000
    Likes Received:
    * Spoiler warning! *

    As promised here is the report of my first day with...
    Gloin Bonehead, a Lawful Good Dwarven Wizard Slayer and soloist.

    Voice: Korgan

    Stats (80 points)
    Str: 18/99
    Dex: 17
    Con: 19
    Int: 14
    Wis: 10
    Cha: 2 - Yep, dwarves can have 2 (and halforcs can have 1) charisma.

    Starting Weapon Proficiencies:
    Axe ***
    Short Bow ***

    I will rate how difficult it was for Gloin Bonehead at the time he did the quest to complete the quest by using *'s.

    * Very Easy (usually only non-battle quests will be rated Very Easy)
    ** Easy
    *** Tough
    **** Very Tough
    ***** Near impossible

    Chapter 1 quests finished:
    * Free Rielev.
    ** Free Djinni.
    * Frennedan released.
    * Jaheira released.
    * Minsc released.
    ** Find boys mother in circus.

    Chapter 2 quests finished:
    ** Find kidnappers
    * Caretaker for Risa
    ** Riddle in the sewers
    * Bohdi's offer rejected
    ** Free Hendak
    * Spirit of child Wellyn
    ** Find out about Montaron
    ** Mae'var's treachery
    * Viconia
    **** Bridge murders
    * Fee for Gaelan Bayle
    ** Sir Sarles illithium

    Chapter 1
    Irenicus Dungeon was very easy. Gloin even killed the vampire for good measure. He left Irenicus Dungeon as level 8, almost level 9.
    The circus was a short side trip and was finished in a few minutes. Loads of xp for very little effort. :)

    Chapter 2
    Several small quests were done parallel to the main ones. First we free Hendak, again very easy. Next was the sewer riddle and Gloin got held by a measly kobold shaman and then rapidly killed by his group of kobolds. Owchh! Gloin vows to be more careful against minor wizards like shamans.
    After meeting with Mr Bloodscalp and accepting his quest, Gloin run over to Mae'var and wraps up the thief stronghold quest with little trouble. His charisma of 2
    was of no help in trying to persuade a merchant to sell some documents. Gloin had to whack him with his axe and reputation dropped by 10! :(
    Next stop the temple and give gold 'til it hurts in order to make amends for this hideous deed.
    By giving gold Reputation is pushed up to 18 (again...) and then Gloin finishes the Bridge murder mystery and Neb the killer quests for two more reputation points.
    It's Shopping time! :D

    Next up is helping Nalia. :)

    General notes:
    - Backstabbing is a major threat since Gloin can't detect invisibility.
    - He can't use rings, belts, cloaks, amulets, gauntlets, potions or most scrolls. A light in the dark is that protection and restoration scrolls are usable.

    Current equipment:
    Battle Axe +3, Stonefire
    Tuigan Bow +1
    Plate Mail +1
    Helm of Balduran
    Vhailor's Helm
    Reflection Shield +1 (reflects missile weapons)
    Boots of Avoidance

    Note to Nobleman:
    Slow Poison is useless to a soloist since you will fail in casting it if you are poisoned.
    Horror is the best Bhaal ability followed by Draw Upon Holy Might. CLW is useful too.

    I laughed hard at your tale of Retsnimle! Please keep writing that story! :D

    [This message has been edited by Earl Grey (edited June 05, 2001).]
  18. Shadowcouncil Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril


    Jan 8, 2001
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    They should make another class in BG2, specialy for Retsnimle: The Student.

    Sleeps more then being awake.
  19. Nobleman Gems: 27/31
    Latest gem: Emerald

    May 8, 2001
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    DIRECTORS NOTE: Hehe Yes Retsnimle most certainly sleeps a lot. In that You are right Headbanger. If he is a student he can't do good at verbal exams. All that grunting he is doing with this voice set. And his coughing. I feel worried for his health :) Now to the Saga

    The big black nasty Beasts

    Retsnimle slowly opened the door. He heard the deep snarling from many creatures. Retsnimle switched to his bow. ME no like th's He took a step slow step forward. Then many fast steps backwards. One of the snarling creatures had senced him. A big black beast, with claws the size of a well-toasted goblin came roaring down on poor Retsnimle. It attacked but Retsnimle fought Fiercfull. The beast hit the ground as a critical blow hit it. It was a hard battle. He switched his weaponry trying to use the New flail that he had hardly bothered using.

    He lured the nex beast up. And Retsnimle was amazed to see that his new left hand weapon slowed the beast's movement. The 3rd one was lured forward. Then he remembers nothing. When Retsnimle came to his senses again the beast lay death and he was standing akwardly in some wooden barrels. Why me stand'g in Barrels?

    This deal is getting worse all the time
    shocked he approached the room again. It seemed endless. More and more beasts came out. He couldn't remeber much of what happened next. He woke up in the room with two dead beast around him. He was mortally wounded. Me kill dum' beast? Do' no like it
    He then rested for 4 days.

    Round the Mulberry bushes

    In the next room was a Big talky troll. Retsnimle tried to outsmart it. No succes. From the shadows he was attacked by two other trolls. The Talking troll then attacked too. three against me? RETREAT! The trolls agressively followed Retsnimle around the castle up and down up and down. Untill they finally caught him on a stair. He Hasted and attacked one of the minor trolls blocking his way to freedom. It went down before he did.
    RETREAT. Around the castle again. Up and down up and down. Untill He managed to close a door. Unfortunately for Retsnimle I doubleclicked on the door in mere excitement.
    RETREAT! Around the castle. Up and down up and down and Outside for a change. Then up and around. An Icetroll joined the chase suddenly. Buggar Finally Retsnimle got a door closed. Pheeew. He slept for 4 days and 16 hours. New record.

    Death of Torgal
    With new strenght Retsnimle set out to find the two remaining trolls. He met them in a doorway and luckily only the big one could attack the other seemed stuck in a door. After a fierce battle it died, But Retsnimle had to retreat. Again. Up and down and round. Sleep for 3 days, and then Finally he Won.

    Nalia's Betrayall

    But no nymphs! where's me' Nyphs
    Outside Retsnimle desperately tried to talk to a rabbit. It wouldn't talk. In Nalia's camp Retsnimle then saw that irritating woman he had saved. And she wouldn't thank him. He talked to her but again she didn't care. This was too much for poor Retsnimle to bear so he slayed Her.You not Mock me no more The guard turned hostile and attacked.
    Nalia surprisingly joined to kill the guard. Retsnimle talked to her and was confused to see that she apparantly didn't care about the killings. Mad about not finding the Nymphs Retsnimle turned down everything she said. They split and Retsnimle returned to His only "friend" Ribald.

    DIRECTORS NOTE: Even though Retsnimle got confused he survived the Umber Hulk attack. I failed to lure Torgal forward alone. This made us run around the castle for 20 minutes like madmen. All in all. Pretty breathtaking. Had It been a normal game I would probably have reloaded. But not with Retsnimle.Anyway, Retsnimle as a Lord?? Naaah. He misses the Nymphs. And would be in this castle nomore. He had nightmares in there.
    Conclusion to Nalia's keep: Retsnimle defeated everything in the castle. This makes the future look brighter. I still don't know why he keeps surviving. He doesn't really miss any magical items. yet.

    [This message has been edited by Nobleman (edited June 05, 2001).]
  20. Nobleman Gems: 27/31
    Latest gem: Emerald

    May 8, 2001
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    Ribald is a pearl

    In the big city a woman told Retsnimle to visit a person in the graveyard district at night. It suited Retsnimle mínd to go somewhere dark and sinister. He had failed to find the Nymphs.
    In Ribalds shop he soon recovered his joy. With Ribald's plesant talking and always eager to give Retsnimle new weapons for those gold things. Ribald even identified an armor Retsnimle had taken from the Keep. He said to Retsnimle that it was an orc armor. Retsnimle wore it immediately and forgot to buy something from Ribald in his joy.

    Helping a boy find his mama

    Happy again Retsnimle talked to a sad boy outside Ribald's shop. Having a few spare hours till the dark came he agreed to help the boy find his mamma.

    Inside the tent Retsnimle met a genie. He didn't want to answer anymore stupid riddles. Last time he was attacked by a summoned creature. Eventually the Genie grew tired and attacked. Fine!! wit' me' It was slain. Retsnimle then ignored an ogre talking like a girl. He was here to find "mama" HE continued upstair. Here he saw many beasts. RETREAT!! he fled upstairs. EVEN MORE BEAST. RETREAT! the exit was blocked. A creature began talking. You be the badie Retsnimle grunted and attacked. He was slain easily. All the illusions were beyond Retsnimle understanding. But the boy outside was happy. And the guard was happy. So Retsnimle was happy.

    The Deal has been made
    In the night he met the woman in the graveyard. She wanted to put chaos and destruction to the Shadow thieves. This suited Retsnimle fine as it could bring an end to that irritating Cooooing Guy

    DIRECTORS NOTE:The Circus tent mission went great. My only concern now is that Retsnimle has found an Orc-armor. He loves it but it has a poor AC. He was much safer in the fullplate. But that's Retsnimle in a nutshell. Another thing is that Bodhi puts timepreasure on Retsnimle. This doesn't fit with his 4 days-resting Routine :D

    [This message has been edited by Nobleman (edited June 05, 2001).]
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