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Solo cleric (SoA)

Discussion in 'Creativity Surge' started by Tiamat, Oct 11, 2001.

  1. Tiamat Gems: 17/31
    Latest gem: Star Diopside

    Jul 9, 2001
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] In response to the "challenge" thead, I'm starting the quest of a solo cleric. Do not in any way expect me to be as successful as the other people who are soloing characters these days.... Nonetheless, it's fun to try. No bar on reloading -- something tells me I will have to do so, a lot.

    OK, initial thoughts: the cleric quest should be hard because clerics exceed at very few things, though they're well rounded in all areas. That is, they have a good Thac0, and may cast spells, and use excellent weapons, but they neither excel at spellcasting, or at fighting. Other than healing, they don't have a purpose, so there's no clear-cut strategy for them.

    Without further ado, the quest of Celestine (BG2 pros will know where I got that name :D), the solo elven cleric.

    Lawful Neutral Priest of Helm

    Str 14
    Dex 19
    Con 16
    Int 16
    Wis 18
    Cha 08

    Flail +
    Mace +
    Sling +
    (I'll just get Warhammer later... Crom Faeyr won't be available for a while.


    Celestine woke to the light pounding against the front of her eyelids, and a splitting pain coming from behind them. Reluctantly, she opened her eyes, and saw before her the face of Imoen, her foster-sister from Candlekeep. She spoke to Imoen gently through her pounding headache, although the pain caused her to snap angrily once. Once Imoen released her, she took Imoen's hands and explained that it would be much better if the two split up; small groups are much harder to notice than large ones, after all. She suggested that the thief-mage follow in her wake, and that they eventually meet up in the nearest large tavern. Imoen was distressed, insisting that the two just weren't meant to split up, but Celestine was adamant. This was a measure meant to protect the safety of both women.

    Inwardly, Celestine was not so sure that this was her real reason for spitting up with.... abandoning.... Imoen. She admitted inwardly that it was herself that she was not sure of; seeing the cruelties that Sarevok had unleashed upon the city of Baldur's Gate and the surrounding Sword Coast, her adamant faith in Helm, God of Watchers and justice, was beginning to swerve. Furthermore, she was discovering a dark side to herself that she didn't trust; the elves were people of justice and of light, yet sometimes she ENJOYED killing, unleashing her anger upon another creature in an effort to externalize it and dispose of it. She didn't altogether like this side of herself, and.... Until she could trust herself, she would not endanger any of the people who had supported her, whom she considered friends.

    With a heavy heart and divided thoughts, she trudged into the dungeon.


    How's that for an intro? In any case, these were "God's" (or should I say Helm's?? ;)) first experiences in the dungeon: First of all, a lack of any coherent battle strategy. How do you use a healer offensively?? I was wondering what the catch in this challenge was.... Why couldn't I have used a nice Cleric/Ranger. :) Oh well. After I armored the character and picked her spells (Armor of Faith, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Protection from Evil, Sanctuary - Barkskin, Draw Upon Holy Might x2, Resist Fire/Cold, Find Traps - Animate Dead x2, Holy Smite - Holy Power, Animal Summoning I). I had specific reasons for picking each, and we'll see whether I'm right or wrong. I headed towards the Mephit machine and THEN the trouble began....

    My ThacO was not nearly good enough to hit the stupid thing. I cast Holy Power and killed it. Moved on, pushed the button for the genie's question, landed a few good solid hits on the Ogre Mage, Holy Power wore off.... trouble. When I reload (and yes, it was necessary), I use my Animate Dead. Sure, Skeleton Warriors are awsome to summon, but never underestimate the might of the good old Skeletons. Sure, they have only 29 HP (I checked), but they are immune to all elements, and resistant to physical damage. And they're only a lv3 spell!! Great for those elemental Mephits. They are actually better than the Spider Spawn I swore by when I soloed a Sorcerer through the earlier levels of the game.

    As I suspected, locks turned out to be a bit of trouble (a cleric can FIND traps, but not disarm them). So I cast the Holy Power.... Strength jumps up to 18/00 and I force locks without a problem.

    In the library I ran into trouble; my nice Skeletons (and the War Dogs I had gotten with Animal Summoning I) had meanwhile gotten killed, and I got to try out a cleric in Melee again. Barkskin + Armor of Faith + Draw Upon Holy Might and a couple of cures later, I found out.... Sling is better than mace, use Holy Smite when in a tough spot, and NEVER TRY THAT AGAIN. I then found some more goblins hiding in a corner and tried Elmonster's (I love that story) "run like hell and then shoot them" tactic. I was then somewhat short of bullets. On the third hidden goblin, I ran out of bullents and needed to rest....

    Duergar chamber: 4 skeletons and holy smite. Shit, skeletons are evil. I decide to avoid it for now.

    The Otyugh presents a problem -- my skeletons do not damage it, and are stuck in a doorway. Before the last of them fall, I cast Barkskin, Holy Power, and Seeking Sword.... They go down easily. So THAT'S how you use a cleric as a fighter....

    Later, the duergar again: I attack en masse with 2 skeletons, 2 war dogs, and my seeking sword-ified cleric. Mash.

    Cambion: He's much harder to kill. At this point, I have only one skeleton left, who doesn't account for much. The only thing he does is buy me time while I cast the protections I realize that I need.... They don't account for much either, but I have no charges of seeking sword left today. I looked through my spell lists with panic and cast Vampiric Touch (lawful neutral special ability). Instant results, and good ones.... Then I cast Holy Smite, since I am free to (no evil summons around). The Cambion is near death, but I have nothing left to throw at him...!! Holy Power -> does little. Sanctuary -> he can see through it! Finally, through blind luck, I shoot him once. Dead Cambion.

    Elemental Plane of Air: The mephits WERE trouble when they took out my summons (and I had no spells left). It fell to the thac0-16 cleric to clear them out....

    Mephit room: THE quickest eradication of the mephits ever, even when I had a full (multiplayer) party. The summons took on the mephits, I took on the portals, and it was over in less than 5 minutes....

    Upon exiting Irenicus's Dungeon I recorded the highest amount of gil I have EVER had when leaving that place.... And after selling all the useless bladed junks that REAL clerics don't use (REAL men don't use pansy spells, either, but.... Play to your strengths. ;)) I had even more money, but that happens to all soloists.....


    Upon exiting the shadowy dungeon, Celestine came face to face with her captor. His evil countenance aroused an unusual hate in her, as there was something in his features she couldn't quite place.... Once again, her hate was violent to the degree where it scared her.

    Imoen seemed to be as terrified as herself. She cast Missile after Magic Missile in a futile effort to get the monstrous man away from her, but to no avail. Then Athkatla's magic-fearing "law" decided to take matters into their own hands, and Imoen was taken into custody ... well, abducted ... by a group of Cowled Wizards.

    Celestine felt guilty. Imoen had been her friend since childhood and companion during her Sword Coast-wandering days, yet she had callously and emotionlessly abandoned her friend because of her own emotional turmoil. Who was to say that, if she had Celestine to protect her, Imoen would still have been kidnapped?

    The young elf had made up her mind. This was all her fault. Yet the thought of what she must now do to atone for her sins scared her.... She must defy Athkatla's law -- and law was the most sacred thing existing -- in the name of her friendship with Imoen.


    Well, it wasn't here on Tuesday, and it wasn't here on Wednesday.... Well, better late than never, eh? Hope you like it. I'm planning to make notes on my game-play, with interludes for Celestine's POV. Advice?

    [This message has been edited by Tiamat (edited October 11, 2001).]
  2. Sir Dargorn Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    May 6, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Oh good for you!
    I must say i am impressed wgich is good coming from me. Getting praise from Ear; grey and Nobleman aswell will get you to top rank. ;)
  3. Kailynne Johanne Gems: 10/31
    Latest gem: Zircon

    Jul 28, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Soloists may wind up with lots of gold later on, but....early on can be a different story. I see that you have really begun to concentrate on finding your strengths - good on you (as the Aussies say). Good luck as it's a great read so far.
  4. Will Gems: 13/31
    Latest gem: Ziose


    Dec 12, 2001
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] Now that is some nice prose. Well done! The depth of the character you have created is superb. My only worry is that its going to take some kind of perseverence to maintain that level of detail throughout the entire game, but if you can do it I'll be reading avidly.
  5. Big B Gems: 27/31
    Latest gem: Emerald

    Feb 22, 2001
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] Very good Tiamat, and btw clerics rule! You'll see, all you have to do is believe.
  6. Shadowcouncil Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril


    Jan 8, 2001
    Likes Received:
    :) Great story. Keep it comming!
  7. Tiamat Gems: 17/31
    Latest gem: Star Diopside

    Jul 9, 2001
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    Well, next I did the circus quest -- that was easy. On an interesting side-note, I found that True Sight dispels all the annoying illusionary monsters that damage you and interrupt your spells.... I treated myself to a Large Shield +2 that I bought from that Armorer/Fletcherer in Waukeen's Promenade. I went to the slums and finished the Copper Coronet slave quest. No unusual incidents there, either, except for the fact that I kept running out of summoning and buffing-up spells and having to do the "run, shoot, run, SHIT!" routine. I dealt with the beastmaster that way too.... His brown bear was highly annoying, because by the time it and the beastmaster chased me into the Arena, I had no spells or skeletons left. I ran back to Bernard, rested, and only then did I release Hendak -- my Skeleton's did most of the work, but a buffed-up seeking-sword-ed Celestine finished off Lehtinan. I bought myself the Mauler's arm and the Sling of Seeking, finishing almost all my gold.

    Then I went for the Thieves' Guild quest, since in the past it has proven to be an easy one. Guess what: eh, no way things would be that easy.... I fetched Mistress Ada's necklace easily enough by bashing that chest by her bed while she slept, and returned that to Mae'Var. Killing Rayic Gethras for Edwin was the REAL trouble, though (Celestine's not too fond of the Cowled Wizards, since they abuse Athkatlan law as it is written down in order to secure power and magic for themselves....). His mephits were quite simple, though I led them outside into the Docks' night to take care of them. The Stone Golems required a slashing weapon to be hit, so I bashed them with Seeking Sword. On the third floor, Mr Gethras killed me, stunned me, or forced me to reload many times before I killed him (the power went out twice on me, too, once when he was Injured and again when I managed to get him to Near Death....)

    Finally, settled upon this: I summoned two skeletons on Floor 2. I Cast Remove Fear on me (and them, too), since Symbol: Fear seems to be a favorite opening spell of Rayic's. Then I tried Defensive Harmony, and Barkskin, Armor of Faith, Holy Power, and finally Death Ward on myself (he seems to like Finger of Death as well). I cast True Sight, remembering that he liked Shadow Door.... Now THAT's why I repeatedly say that Keldorn's True Sight is better than his Dispel Magic. I went up to the third floor alone, leaving the skeletons on the second. I cast Flamestrike on Rayic, while he got off a (useless) Symbol: Fear. (See? I told you!) Then he cast Sunfire. I cast my second Flamestrike, but he dissappeared with Shadow Door.... Moments before True Sight revealed him, but the Flamestrike was still wasted. Holy Smite got him to Near Death, but he cast Finger of Death on me (I was protected by Death Ward, only taking 6 HP damage). Meanwhile, my offensive spells spent, I escaped to the floor below; the skeletons, positioned strategically near the stairs, started on Rayic. I summoned some War Dogs with Animal Summoning, then buffed up (Holy Power + Seeking Sword) and began attacking him. He dispelled the Seeking Sword, then cast Fireball on me.... Insta-charred Rayic, but Celestine needs a nap. I didn't get his 9,000 EXP, but who needs that when you're soloing? I'm not reloading just for that. Phew, I'm GLAD it's over....

    I charmed the merchant into giving me Edwin's documents. :) I'm sick of playing male characters, so it was fun.... More on that quest as I finish it....


    Man, I'm a slow player. Celestine is having her doubts about aiding thieves, but rationalizes that one thieves' guild is better than two.... ;)
  8. Kailynne Johanne Gems: 10/31
    Latest gem: Zircon

    Jul 28, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Interesting solution to the mad wizard quest... It usually causes me some problems! But, I see that your forethought made short work of it.
  9. Tiamat Gems: 17/31
    Latest gem: Star Diopside

    Jul 9, 2001
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    I took time off to gain Sir Sarles' services for the temple of Helm.... Or rather, to not do so. I couldn't force the lock on Neb's derelict house open even with the Mauler's Arm + Draw Upon Holy Might (21 strength, that is). Oh, well. I can always buy Jerlia's substitute now, and use the Illithium to upgrade the Mace of Disruption later....

    I'm rather proud of the way I dealt with Hareishan the vampire, when I ran into her. It was night because I had just recently rested, and now had all my spells memorized. I cast Animate Dead to give her something to work through when she went hostile, then cast two successive Flamestrikes which got her down to Badly Injured. Twice, I cast Holy Smite (my second-favorite spell; not as damaging as Flamestrike but hits an entire area). It turned my remaining skeleton hostile and harmed the remaining one (of three) Shadow Thieves, but oddly enough did not turn HIM hostile. Quickly, before the vampire and the skeleton reached me, I cast Holy Smite again. All dead, with me left to collect the spoils. It occurrs to me that I could've Turned Undead, but I had no part members to do the attacking while I turned, so that's not too practical a solution anyway.

    I finished the Bridge District Murders quest; it's mainly a non-combat quest and didn't provide any trouble, until I got to the Rune Assassins Rejiek keeps in his basement.... I used Holy Smite on them and lured the remaining assassins upstairs. Assassins, meet my skeletons. Skeletons, meet assassins.... ;)

    The Fallen Paladins quest was damn near impossible to complete. Getting Anarg's cup was not a problem.... But having six or more fighters all bashing me simultaneously isn't so fun. My nice new mountain bears kept them off my back long enough for me to Flamestrike Anarg and then take him out. The second Flamestrike injured another paladin. Unfortunately, niether Holy Smite nor Unholy Blight is of any use to me; most of the Fallen ones are Chaotic Neutral. I did my "combat-prep-routine" and killed two more fallen ones. Then the Seeking Sword ran out and I was left running around helplessly. I used my innate Vampiric Touch to kill one, and finished the other; I was very glad that I had leveled up during the tanner quest (at lv11, I now have two charges of Seeking Sword). I wasted 5 healing potions on THAT venture....

    Celestine is now a Priest of Helm Level 11
    Helm of Balduran, Plate Mail Armor, Shield of Balduran, Ring of Protection+1 & Ring of Human Influence, Mauler's Arm & Sling of Seeking.

    I'm ready to take on the Unseeing Eye next....


    Why isn't anybody responding?? Don't you guys like me? :( :grin:

    [This message has been edited by Tiamat (edited October 14, 2001).]
  10. Kailynne Johanne Gems: 10/31
    Latest gem: Zircon

    Jul 28, 2001
    Likes Received:
    We like you. We really like you.

    Seriously, good story. And I did appreciate the way that you beat that vampire. Lerrahud's solution was simplicity itself (until Bodhi) - avoid the dark. I like your solution better.
  11. Tiamat Gems: 17/31
    Latest gem: Star Diopside

    Jul 9, 2001
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    I did have to reload for the vampire, once.... Spells interrupted too many times and the skeletons didn't keep Hareishan busy long enough.... More when I finish the Unseeing Eye and (finally!) get my stronghold.
  12. Maertyn

    Maertyn There's nothing I cannot embrace! Veteran

    Aug 28, 2001
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] Yes yes, go on, go on!

    And a question: You meant "True Seeing" when you said it would dispel illusionary monsters, not "True Sight", didn't you?
  13. Tiamat Gems: 17/31
    Latest gem: Star Diopside

    Jul 9, 2001
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] True Sight. That little white eye icon that's an innate spell for Inquisitors and Priests of Helm. Is it called True Seeing, and I didn't even know it? Either way, ti dispels those annoying illusion monsters which do you no end of damage and give you no EXP, either.... >_<


    Well, my game is horribly bugged, so I'm not doing the Unseeing Eye quest. Out of God's (is that Goddess's? :p) sheer annoyance, the intrepid cleric now headed towards the famou Party In The Sewers.... Her monsters (3 skeletons and 2 bears) succeeded in distracting the evil party, and Celestine drew Draug Fea (the dwarf with the Morning Star) away from the rest of the group. She ran for dear life, cast Seeking Sword when she could, and after a suitable number of healing potions, finished him off. Somewhat mollified, she picked up her spoils and left.

    Not knowing what to do next, she headed towards the City Gates, and met a messenger from Trademeet who requested experienced help. Well, she headed to Trademeet, but on the way rescued Renfeld from a group of thugs and promising to deliver him to his companions (read: fellow Harpers). Then, realizing just how suspicious Renfeld's "mission" and his poisoning were, she agreed to Xzar's request that she seek out Montaron; She had never liked the evil mage, and as a matter of fact had killed him when Khalid and Jaheira had accused him of being a Zhentarim agent, all the way back in Beregost what seemed ages ago. She was taking a look inside the Galvarey estate primarily to appease her own curiosity, not to rescue an unlawful thief from his just punishment. For the first time in a long while, she felt safe in her convictions.

    Prebek and his fellow mage (Sanasha?) were quite hard to take out. In a small space populated with goblins, and not one, but TWO mages, the tactics which the Goddess had used for the Rayic Gethras fight were not in order. As soon as she came in, Celestine decided to use Silence 15" Radius (the penalty to save it offers is excellent). It affected Sanasha, who immediately attacked me with her Quarterstaff, but not Prebek. In my previous attempts at defeating the low-level-but-annoying duo they had tried to charm me, so she was wearing the Helmet of Charm Protection. Their Lightning Bolt killed their own goblins, barely damaging Celestine. She stuffed herself into a corner, and cast Flamestrikes on them (the terrible Thac0 of a low-level mage couldn't hit her, she had -8 AC), and it was over with surprising ease considering the previous reloads.

    The Harper HQ was, of course, easy. Afterwards, she at long last treated herself to that juicy Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, and finished off Mae'Var's guild; thieves went down like flies. Then she explored the graveyard. The Crypt King was a very difficult opponent: a fast and hard-hitting, well-armored warrior. After either 3 or 4 reloads Celestine buffed up with Barkskin, Armor of Faith, Draw Upon Holy Might, Holy Power, a Potion of Fire Resistance, and an Oil of Speed. Once inside the freak's grave she used a Potion of Explosions (6d6 damage, much like a fireball), then pounded on him. It was over in no time, again.

    Now Celestine is lv13. Mmm; they do level up fast. I can't wait to get Crom Faeyr and the Mace of Disruption. *drools*

    [This message has been edited by Tiamat (edited October 24, 2001).]
  14. Big B Gems: 27/31
    Latest gem: Emerald

    Feb 22, 2001
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] Perhaps Celestine is ready to tell us more about her adventures in Amn? ;)
  15. LordNocturne Gems: 7/31
    Latest gem: Tchazar

    Jul 12, 2001
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] Great Story. If you had TDD Installed, you'd have some awesome priest spells. Hmm.. Maybe i'll do that. Hmm.. but there are sooooo many Priest Kits...
  16. Tiamat Gems: 17/31
    Latest gem: Star Diopside

    Jul 9, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Well, she IS ready to venture forth.... As a matter of fact, she headed to Trademeet next (the Umar Hills has many undead, possibly too many for ole' Celestine despite the fact that she's a cleric; that's next up. She met Cernd after agreeing to help that likeable Lord Coprith; however, although as an elf she respected Cernd's love of nature, she rather believed that he was taking it too far; it was annoying to hear him quoting nature homilies every other phrase, and she found his placing animals -- even murderous monsters -- on an equal level with humans, more than a little bit arrogant.

    Druid Grove -- whoops. She had forgotten that the lore Gorion had sent her had specified that the Druid Grove was densely populated with trolls.... Whoops. More than a little annoyed, our cleric memorizes four charges of Flame Blade. This, in conjunction with Mountain Bears and the occasional Holy Smite, works fine on trolls. After the battles, she heals her faithful creatures with her two charges of Cure Light Wounds.... Let it never be said that Celestine doesn't like fuzzy creatures. Go Boo!! It's only Minsc that she has a problem with.... The death of Dynaheir had introduced so much ... CHAOS ... into his nature, and she still didn't understand how the little hamster could "go for the eyes".

    Myconids = Trouble. As usual. Why couldn't I have run away when the damn mountain bears attacked.... I wonder what Cernd thought when she came running past for dear life, confused. Probably that nature was taking it's course.... :flame: Reload. This time, Celestine will concentrate on her ulterior purpose and ignore those lousy 420-EXP Myconids, who can be produced forever just as long as there's a Spore Colony.... And of course they defend the Spore Colony. :flame:

    The grove is cleared, but there's still the Rakshashas. They are highly resistant to magic, so that's out. Buffing is complete, and I enter Adratha's Cottage; as soon as I talk to her, she smells the Djinnis on me.... But I just took a shower!! O.o Oh well. Ihtafeer's two cohorts are slaughtered quite quickly, once Celestine avoids the two Cloudkills and and Ice Storm Ihtafeer sends her way. As soon as only she and Ihtafeer are left, mano a mano (or is that mano a womano?!), her Seeking Sword dissappears.... Her Holy Power had already run out and she was just NOT hitting the rakshasha. Luckily, there was the Cloak of the Sewers.... She turned into a troll and Ihtafeer was dead meat. She will regenerate some before changing back into an elf, although she is well aware that the troll form smells. :lol:

    The "Tanner's Return" quest was finished without any trouble. But to get that annoying reminder out of my journal, I also finished the Mantle of Waukeen quest. Getting the mantle proved to be, if not a challenge, well ... easier said than done, in any case. The Trademeet Crypt contained a Skeleton and two Skeleton Warriors. I had to make comprehensive use of my "Turn Undead" ability to keep instantly slaughtering the wittle Skeletons the cleric Skeleton Warrior kept summoning up, and thus discovered the good use of that ability. If I am getting overwhelmed by undead, well, I can Turn them, drive them away from me or even destroy them. A valuable lesson for the Umar Hills and the vampire dens, I feel.

    Next up, I'll finally clear the Slaver base, then do the Umar Hills, before entering Chapter 3. Celestine is about 25,000 EXP away from level 14 and will grow to love the Shield of Harmony....


    I'd REALLY like TDD LordNocturne.... Please recommend a decent download manager, and a good site to download it from.... Or buy me the CD and ship it. :grin: But Celestine herself will not play TDD.... The challenge was a cleric-only, SOA-only, solo..... Awww. :(
  17. Wildfire Gems: 23/31
    Latest gem: Black Opal


    Jul 29, 2000
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] This is great Tiamat! Keep up the good work :)

    :grin: :heh: :happy: :grin:
  18. Gash Gems: 14/31
    Latest gem: Chrysoberyl

    Jul 22, 2000
    Likes Received:
    Slaver Base is a wlakthrough, even with a singels, although Umar Hills maybe a bit trickier.
    Good job though, keep it coming!
  19. Kailynne Johanne Gems: 10/31
    Latest gem: Zircon

    Jul 28, 2001
    Likes Received:
    I like this girl.. nearly as tough and smart as Jaheira.. but with scruples!
  20. LordNocturne Gems: 7/31
    Latest gem: Tchazar

    Jul 12, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Go!Zilla tends to work well. I got my TDD From File Planet.

    That's ok, i'll make the TDD solo Cleric!
    Hmm... what race... what kit... gah!
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