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Bard's Tale 3 Remastered Online Walkthrough by David Milward

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Gelidia  |  Ice Keep  |  Black Tower  |  White Tower  |  Grey Tower  |  Ice Dungeon

Ice Keep

Ice Keep, Level 1

Eternal Torch

The stairs back out are at 0N 1E of the map of the first level of the keep. I win fights against random monsters at 1N 1E, 2N 2E and 0N 2E.

I get an Eternal Torch after the last fight. I have Mordred equip it for the rest of the game. It can cast Light with unlimited uses, which can be handy in dungeons with dark squares. And there's a convenience factor in the sense that as an equipped item, I don't have to worry about dropping a Pipes of Pan from the party inventory by accident from here on in.

One of the stairs leading to the second level of the Keep is at 0N 3E. These stairs require speaking the name of a defender or guardian. As per the diary that was in Gelidia outside, either "Alendar" or "Hawkslayer" will suffice to open the stairs and permit passage to the second level.

Ice Keep, Level 1

Kali's Garrote and Wand of Fury

I start off at 0N 3E. I win fights against random monsters at 0N 5E, 1N 3E, 2N 1E, 0N 1E, 1N 2E and 2N 4E.

I obtain two items after one of the fights. One is a Wand of Fury, which allows a breath weapon with limited charges, and a 1 point improvement to AC. Mordred equips it.

The other is Kali's Garrote. It is comparable to the Thieves' Dagger in that it also provides a bonus to Hide, but it also provides a 1 point improvement to AC and a 2 point improvement bonus To Hit.

The square at 3N 4E both drains Hit Points and can keep the party stuck until they force themselves through with persistence. I go through it, win the fight against random monsters at 4N 5E, and come back out.

Level 2, Northeast Corner

I win a fight against random monsters at 1N 7E. There's another square at 3N 7E that both drains Hit Points and can keep the party 'stuck'. I force my way through it.

I win fights against random monsters at 4N 8E, 6N 11E, 8N 10E, 7N 9E and 6N 10E.

1st Titanium Helm

I win fights against random monsters at 6N 7E, 7N 8E, 9N 7E, 8N 5E, 8N 6E, 6N 4E, 7N 4E and 9N 4E.

I get a Titanium Helm after one of the fights. Lord Stygar equips it for a 1 point improvement to AC.

2nd Wand of Fury

I win fights against random monsters at 7N 2E, 8N 1E, 2N 0E and 4N 2E. I get a second Wand of Fury after one of the fights. Talia equips it.

1st Titanium Shield

I head all the way back to the east side, and win fights against random monsters at 0N 8E, 0N 10E, 1N 10E and 2N 10E.

I get a Titanium Shield after one of the fights. Zarathos equips it for a 1 point improvement to AC.

I head back up the stairs at 2N 11E. The Black Tower is my next destination.
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