404 - Page Not Found!


We couldn't find the page you requested... This could have happened because:

1.) You may have arrived here by visiting an old bookmark, or an old link on another site. Finally, you might even have clicked a broken link on our site.

If the link which has brought you to this page is on our site (but not on our forums or in archives; read below), please let us know where, and we will address the problem.

If the link is on another site, please contact the webmaster of the site in question and inform them that they need to update their links to SP. The majority of old broken external links can be fixed by simply changing the .htm extension in links to .php, so you should first try applying this quick fix to any broken links leading to the site.

Please note, however, that if you've encountered a broken link to us using a search engine (like Google), there is nothing we can do about it. Search engines only crawl the web once in a while. The broken links should be fixed the next time the search engine you've used crawls our site. Emphasis on should, because for one reason or another, many search engines often do not properly remove dead links from their databases...

2.) Older site archives contain dead or broken links, and we are aware of this. However, due to the many changes to the site which have occurred since the time those archives were first made, we have decided not to attempt to fix any of the links contained in the older archives.

3.) Older threads on our forums contain dead or broken links, and we are aware of this. We fix any outdated links that we find when (if) these older threads become active again, but otherwise they are left "as is".

4.) You may have typed the page address incorrectly, or tried to visit a page which has been renamed or deleted.

General solution to all of the above possibilities: Use the site navigation on this page (top left and right sides) to reach the section or page that you are looking for. If you cannot find something you've come looking for here from another site, you can try using our search engine, or let us know and we will point you in the right direction.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

-- Sorcerer's Place Staff

Sorcerer's Place is a project run entirely by fans and for fans. Maintaining Sorcerer's Place and a stable environment for all our hosted sites requires a substantial amount of our time and funds on a regular basis, so please consider supporting us to keep the site up & running smoothly. Thank you!

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