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Fextralife - Gaming News

Posted on Jun 02, 2024 19:42 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]Fextralife summarizes this week's gaming news:


Gaming News - Wuxia Soulslike, Monster Hunter Wild Gameplay Trailer, God of War Ragnarok to PC

0:00 - Top RPG News of the Week
0:02 - Warhammer Rogue Trader Void Shadows DLC
1:08 - Zenless Zone Zero Release Date
2:06 - Cyberpunk 2077 Officially Ended
3:17 - Alan Wake 2 Possible DLC Soon
4:04 - Dragon Age Dreadwolf Listed on PSN and Xbox Store
5:02 - Warhammer 40K Mechanicus 2 Announced
6:11 - Monster Hunter Final Fantasy Collaboration
7:08 - Mirthwood Demo Out Now
8:10 - New Monster Hunter Wild Gameplay trailer
9:03 - Ballad of Antara Free to Play RPG
10:17 - God of War Ragnarok Coming to PC
11:10 - Path of Exile 2 Console Announcement
12:23 - Where Winds Meet a Wuxia Soulslike

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Vampire Dynasty - Demo on June 10

Posted on Jun 02, 2024 13:33 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]News that Vampire Dynasty will get a demo on June 10:


Restless Vampires Roam!

Vampire Dynasty Demo coming to Steam Next Fest

In this silent embrace of night, time unfurls a relentless march like a shadowy spectre, incessantly whispering all the secrets of transience into my immortal ears. Every tick of the clock echoes through the hollow chambers of eternity, a haunting reminder of the fleeting moments slipping from my grasp. This urgency coils around me like a serpent, urging me to seize the night before dawn's cruel light banishes me back into the gloom. Time, a relentless adversary, hurries me on, a ruthless pursuit of the essence of life in the face of the seemingly endless night. It's about time!

For an undead in Sangavia, time is truly pressing, and he would very much like to get to know you himself. That's why we don't want to deny him this desire and who knows, maybe new blood bonds will form
We are very happy to announce that the Vampire Dynasty Demo will be a part of Steam Next Fest. Which means that you can slowly start sharpening your fangs, before the gates to Sangavia open on June 10th, 2024.

Good bite!
Mehuman Games & Toplitz Productions

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Morbid: The Lords of Ire - Review

Posted on Jun 02, 2024 13:33 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]XboxEra checked out the recently released action RPG Morbid: The Lords of Ire:


A Soulslike Worth Your TIme - Morbid: The Lords of Ire | Review

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Vendir: Plague of Lies - Released

Posted on Jun 02, 2024 07:33 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]The party-based RPG Vendir: Plague of Lies has been released:


Vendir: Plague of Lies Now Available

We're delighted to announce that Vendir: Plague of Lies is now available on Steam!

The once-great kingdom of Vendir is now under the tyrannic King Elrik who rules with an iron fist, his judgments harsh and his punishments torturous. When discovering an ancient prophecy promising the end of Elrik's reign, two siblings must make their way from one muddy end of the Kingdom to the other- inciting Elrik's wrath every step of the way. Challenge the truth in a Kingdom drowning in a plague of lies.

Expect to encounter an intricately crafted world, steeped in history and brought to life through a carefully crafted atmosphere and the stories of the people that inhabit it. It is a world where your decisions will have real weight and consequence - in conversation, combat, crafting and every other aspect of this old-school RPG created by a team with a true passion for the genre.

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SKALD: Against the Black Priory - Review @ RPS

Posted on Jun 02, 2024 07:33 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]Rock Paper Shotgun reviewed the retro RPG SKALD: Against the Black Priory:


Skald: Against The Black Priory review: the best of 80s RPG design without the baggage

I regret not covering Skald Colon Against The Black Priory when its developer told us about it 2019. I'd get to be so smug now.

Skald is terrific. I've tried to come up with a clever angle on its journey, but they all wind up saying the same thing: For all its retro stylings (right down to party portraits taking up an unnecessary quarter of the screen at all times), it's an accessible, charming treat, and the best modernisation of 80s RPGs that I've ever played.

While Ultima seems its clearest influence, Skald mostly eschews its philosophical high camp, and gives us a shipwrecking on an archipelago beset by madness-inducing horror. It's an excellent vibe; obvious enough that you know what you're getting into, but slow-burn enough to make the reveals rewarding, and lends the setting and tone a little more depth than the usual "Dark Lord is evil shock".


That they might be bigger in my imagination speaks to Skald's greatest success: I'm super into it. It's crunchy but friendly, playfully secretive, and familiar in many ways but nonetheless refreshing. I lost half a day to "fact checking and screenshots" for sheer desire to keep playing, and a few minor issues aside, my only real problem is that there's only one of it.

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Capes - Review @ RPGFan

Posted on Jun 02, 2024 07:33 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]RPGFan reviewed the tactical RPG Capes:


Capes Review

Superheroes have found themselves represented in a multitude of genres over the years, from action-adventure to match-3, but the principles of patient strategy and slow control haven't really been explored in the turn-based RPG space. While a few examples exist, they've had questionable success for one reason or another. Spitfire Interactive seek to change that with Capes, a tactical turn-based RPG with a dash of flawed superhero characters and a smattering of dastardly villains. They've enlisted the support of Morgan Jaffit (writer on 2002's real-time RPG Freedom Force) to craft a story that would sit comfortably among weekly comic series of the last forty years. Although Capes' graphics and mission design never soar to the greatest of superhero heights, the tight focus on tactical battling and team-based synergies offers a breezy romp worthy of a double-page spread or two.


Capes offers a fresh theme in the TRPG market, with a story of flawed superheroes fighting for justice in an oppressed city. The turn-based combat is sleek and well-balanced and the unique Team-Ups offer a bevy of approaches to address mission challenges. The UI is clear and concise, and the game does a great job of presenting key information to make effective tactical choices. It's a pity that a few hindrances, both graphically and in the repetitive combat, hold the game back from being truly epic, but if you want a little bish, bash, and boff with your tactical, turn-based RPG, you could do a lot worse than playing superhero with Capes.

Score: 81/100

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RPG Crawler - RPG News Roundup

Posted on Jun 02, 2024 07:33 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]Like every week the RPG Crawler sums up the computer and tabletop RPG news:


RPG News Roundup (6-1-2024)

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Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy - Demo Patch 0.1.4

Posted on Jun 02, 2024 07:33 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]News that the demo of Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy got a new patch:



Greetings and salutations!

We are pleased to announce the release of a new patch/update for the demo. Most of the work we are currently focused on will NOT be included in this update, but it does contain a lot of fixes and some additional visuals. Which is always nice :)
  • Fixed game freezing when trying to rest;
  • Automatic arrow and bolts 'reloading';
  • Fixed issues with UI disappearing;
  • Fixed descriptions of some effects in battle;
  • Added burning effect in combat;
  • Fixed issue with getting knocked;
  • Better performance;
  • Fixed bug with NPCs disappearing;
  • Fixed a cutscene bug;
  • Changed duration of tonics in battle;
  • Fixed movement issues after loading;
  • Fixed portraits display during battles;
  • Fixed hit chance for throwing bottles;
  • Fixed cursor bugs;
  • Added technical description for some potions;
  • Paused enemies idle sounds when in menu;
  • Fixed some movement bugs;
  • Fixed bugs with language switching;
  • Fixed price positions when trading;
  • Added new item visuals;
  • Fixed a bug with open doors and house titles;
  • Improved combat balance with certain enemies;
  • Tweaked Sole Survivor and Level Headed Leader distinctions;
  • Finished Japanese translation.

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Age of Wonders 4 - Eldritch Realms Expansion on June 18

Posted on Jun 02, 2024 01:32 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]News that Age of Wonders 4 will get an expansion on June 18:


Eldritch Realms coming June 18th! ft. Umbral Abyss Dev Diary

Read the Dev Journal and Watch First Look Dev Stream!

Dear Godir,

We are excited to announce that the Eldritch Realms expansion and the free Mystic Update are going to be available in less than a month - on June 18th!

You can find below:
  • Eldritch Realms key art reveal
  • Feature highlights
  • First Look Stream
  • First Dev Diary about Umbral Abyss
Watch the teaser to see the breathtaking key art of Eldritch Realms:


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Lost Hellden - New Trailer

Posted on Jun 02, 2024 01:32 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]A new trailer for the action RPG Lost Hellden:


Lost Hellden - Combat Dev Diary | AG French Direct 2024

A combat gameplay trailer for Lost Hellden was shown during the AG French Direct 2024 Showcase. Release on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series and Switch in 2025.

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The Wayward Realms - QandA

Posted on Jun 02, 2024 01:32 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]Wccftech posted a Q&A for The Wayward Realms:


The Wayward Realms Kickstarter Q&A - 'There Are Plenty of Ways to Advance Procedural Generation'

It was early August 2021 when former Elder Scrolls Arena and Elder Scrolls Daggerfall developers Ted Peterson and Julian LeFay announced they had partnered to create The Wayward Realms at their new studio, OnceLost Games.

Nearly three years later, the developers have just opened a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for their 'Grand RPG', which aims to hearken back to the old-school of games like Daggerfall, which featured massive open worlds and a strong emphasis on choices and consequences.


As far as I can see, Julian hasn't worked in the industry for a long time. Why did he choose to come back now?

After Julian did an interview about The Elder Scrolls with Indigo Gaming, Ted Peterson reached out to Indigo and did an interview as well. Through him, Julian and Ted got back in touch with each other and began talking about what they would have done had they continued working more hands on with the series. Eventually, they decided to give it a try, and thus, OnceLost Games was born.

OnceLost Games was founded in 2019. Were you affected by the COVID pandemic, leading to a delay in the development process?

The biggest effects were on team members' personal lives which did lead to a rough start for the company. It was early on enough that there wasn't any delay, per se, but things did take a little longer to get going.

What's the project's status, and how many developers do you have currently?

We are currently a team of around 40 members. We are still in early production with the aim of the Kickstarter campaign allowing us to work full time for a year to get an early access version of the game out to supporters.


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Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem - The Future

Posted on Jun 02, 2024 01:32 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]On September 3, 2024, Wolcen Lords of Mayhem will no longer support multiplayer functionality:


The Future of the game

Dear Wolcen Community,
Thank you for your unwavering support and patience. It's been a while since our last update, and we apologize for the silence. However, we had to make serious decisions that required careful reflection and time. Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication. We are fully aware of the challenges that have emerged from the early technical decisions made regarding the game's architecture, challenges that are insurmountable without a complete technology overhaul.

We have diligently updated Wolcen, enhancing every facet of the game from introducing new chapters and items to improving UI, animations, and the meticulous balancing of skills, items, and gameplay, alongside technical enhancements. Despite these efforts and the team's dedication behind our patches, we've encountered foundational hurdles that prevent further improvements under the existing framework.

It is with a heavy heart that we announce a significant change: Starting September 3, 2024, Wolcen will no longer support multiplayer functionality. Additionally, we will cease further development and support for the game. This decision allows us to focus on new projects, carrying forward the lessons learned from Wolcen. We are committed to excellence and driven to create new experiences and adventures that we hope you will be eager to join.

We want to assure you that Wolcen will still be available to play in single-player mode and to purchase at a new, permanently reduced price. Your feedback has always been invaluable, and it will continue to guide the development of our future projects. We've learned a lot from developing and supporting Wolcen but more than that, we have learned a lot from you and we are internally preparing to make sure lessons have been learned and we will be ready to have a stronger connection with all of you, and our community.

Thank you for your continued support. We are excited about the future and cannot wait to embark on these new journeys with you, setting new standards for what we can achieve together.

The Wolcen Team

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Turn Based Lovers - Turn-Based Games June 2024

Posted on Jun 02, 2024 01:32 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]The Turn Based Lovers present games of their favorite genre:




We are in June, and I know many of you are eagerly awaiting the new version of the fifth chapter of Shin Megami Tensei. I am, too, since I don't have a Nintendo Switch, so this PC version is just perfect. But note that it's not just Shin Megami Tensei this month. Accompanying the Atlus title, there are some other interesting titles: a remastered version of the first chapter of a famous JRPG, an interesting 4X strategy game with highly inspired graphics, a HOMM-like game, and a survival RPG that shouldn't be underestimated.




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SKALD: Against the Black Priory - Overview

Posted on Jun 01, 2024 07:12 by RPGWatch

[​IMG]The Scarlet Seeker checked out SKALD: Against the Black Priory:


SKALD: Against the Black Priory | Worth Your Time and Money (Overview)

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