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Dragon Age: Origins Nightmare Guide by David Milward

Areas in Order of Appearance:  
Origins  |  Ostagar  |  Lothering  |  Circle Tower  |  Warden's Keep (DLC)  |  Return to Ostagar (DLC)  |  Stone Prisoner (DLC)  |  Brecilian Forest  |  Redcliffe  |  The Urn of Sacred Ashes  |  Orzammar  |  Deep Roads  |  Denerim  |  Final Onslaught  
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To Denerim  |  Antivan Crows  |  Crime Wave  |  Arl of Denerim Estate  |  Arl of Denerim Dungeon  |  Fort Drakon  |  Arl Eamon's Estate  |  Chantry  |  Blackstone Irregulars  |  Mages' Collective  |  Miscellaneous Quests  |  Deserted Building  |  Sergeant Kylon  |  Favors for Certain Interested Parties  |  Elven Alienage  |  Landsmeet  


Scraping the Barrel

Now I show the completion of all the quests for the Blackstone Irregulars. I have one outstanding one, the Scraping the Barrel quest. I had to deliver one of the letters of conscription beforehand to Patter Gritch while Lothering still existed.

There are two more. One of them is in the Alienage, the entrance to which is at the southeast corner of the Market District. Varel Baern can be found just across the bridge as soon as I enter the Alienage.

Dernal Garrison is in Redcliffe Village. His house can be found at the end of a path that turns left from the bridge that spans across a waterfall. I report to the Blackstone Liaison in front of the Redcliffe Chantry in order to claim my reward.

Grease the Wheels

The next quest can only be given by the Blackstone Irregulars Liaison in Redcliffe. The quest itself is to deliver letters to a number of Hooded Couriers. They are found in:

I then go and collect my reward from the Liaison.

Notices of Death

The next quest is to deliver Letters of Condolences to the widows of recently deceased members of the Blackstone Irregulars. They are as follows:

Note that it is possible to select a dialogue option that will have one of the companions verbally deliver the bad news. I go back to a Liaison for my reward once all of the letters have been delivered.

Dereliction of Duty

The next quest is to track down and kill a few Deserters who have made off with Guild Supplies belonging to the Irregulars. They are as follows:

Each one will fight me, and each one will pack a two-handed weapon. Each one will also be helped out by a Shady Thug that uses dual-wielded weapons, and another Shady Thug that will fire a crossbow from a distance. My recommendation is to take down the dual-wielding Thug first to quickly reduce the attackers numbers to two, then the boss Deserter, and then the crossbow-firing Thug last since he can often give the party the run around trying to maintain distance. I grab the Guild Supplies left behind by each Deserter, and then report back to the liaison for my reward.

A Change in Leadership

This is the last quest for the Blackstone Irregulars, and it starts off as an assignment to kill Raelnor Hawkwind. However, it gets a little more complicated when I find Raelnor and his band just south of the entrance to the Market District. He apparently holds himself out as wanting the Irregulars to pursue their business with honesty and integrity, while his son, Taoran, wants to lead the Irregulars in a more profitable but shadier direction. There are a number of roleplaying choices available:

Note that only the last two options will lead to a reward from the Irregulars.

I choose the last option, to kill Taoran Hawkwind. Travelling to the Dalish Camp suffices to trigger a random encounter whereby I find Taoran and his men. This battle involves getting swarmed by Taoran and his mercenaries up close, while a few archers fire at me from multiple sides. Wynne plants a Glyph of Warding in the thick of it, and then protects herself with a Glyph of Repulsion. The battle pretty much takes care of itself after that. Taoran leaves behind the Free Scout Arming Cap (+2 Dexterity). I then report to the Liaison for my reward.

Now I do some quests for the Mages' Collective.

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